the old debt

"You should be." came a curt reply from Asbeel as he looked at the food.

He was like an emperor sitting with commoners to give them a chance to have a meal with him. His elegant fingers held the fork as he started eating. Just by sitting there, he was looking like an unannounced god.

"Yes, yes, of course." the man nodded his head hard. 

Angela looked at both of them in confusion. Asbeel never invited just anyone to their house. Much less have dinner with them. Then why now.

"So mr Asbeel, why have you invited me to have dinner here?" the man asked expectedly.

Angela also looked at Asbeel with her big bright eyes. She also wanted to know the reason why the god decided to mingle with the commoners.

"Well, you know mr. miller. I am very possessive of things that are mine. And I don't like it when anyone tries to touch them in my absence."