
Finally, his grip on her waist loosens as he let go of her.

"Now get up and go upstairs."

"O-okay. But we're still going to play a game, right?"

"Yes, I haven't forgotten. I'll be up shortly."

"Okay, I'll wait in my room then." She waited for his reassurance and when the man nodded with a serious gaze, Angela smiled at him, before she climbed up the stairs.

As she came into her room, she recounted all the things that happened in her mind for the whole day. From what happened to Anna to how he exhorted property from Mr Miller. He did all this to punish those who had hurt her, but things are not as simple as it looked, are they?

But she knew no matter how she would ask him, he was not going to tell her. So rather than wasting time in convincing him, it was better that she tried to make his temporary boyfriend permanent. Then she would not need to think about his plans as they would not be needed anymore.