I will win you too

With her tongue poking out and her controller held close to her chest, she kept making sounds which looked amusing to him

He watched as her little tongue adorably poked out from the corner of her mouth out when she was concentrating very hard, watched how her body tilted to the left or right depending on what direction she wanted her bricks to go towards and watched how her body jumped as if she was the brick itself adjusting in its place.

His eyes stared at her face, her reactions and a smile started forming on his lips. It was not the crooked smile, nor the devilish one but something different which he did not even realise.

"Asbeel, pay attention!" she ordered. He was brought back to the present and his lips curled up because of her bossy words.

"I am," he replied, still looking at her.

"Then why is your box so messed up," she asked, still looking at the screen trying best to adjust the line and gain maximum points.