I am his sister

Angela, who was lost in her thoughts, only came out of her when she heard the girl speak again. That's when she realized the girl was already standing in front of her.

She had a big smile on her face, which looked nothing but creepy to Angela.

"Hello, I am Meg. I am Asbeel's sister." introduced Meg herself, which made Bella's eyes widened and Asbeel's eyes narrowed at her.

It's not that Asbeel could not have a sister. But Asbeel was a fair young man, and Meg was black, her skin was chocolate brown shade, with the same eye colour. She was not a racist, but could siblings have such a stark difference.

She continued to look at both of them alternatively, to find at least similarity between them. But no, she found none.

Looking at her confused and questioning gaze and Asbeel's murderous glaring gaze.