lets go for a vacation

"Asbeel, is it okay to leave her here, like this?" asked Angela as they walked out of the house.

"Do you want to stay here and give her company?" he asked, impatience was braced in his voice.

"No, I would like to spend time only with you," she replied with a bright smile. Finally, his face loosened.

Angela could guess that Asbeel was angry but she was not sure about the reason. Was he angry because her cousin entered the house unannounced or was he angry because she played that dangerous prank on her. But she knew right now, talking further about Meg, would only result in his further irritation, so no matter how curious she was, she let the matter go.

As the sat in the car, she silently started looking out of the window, she didn't want to argue further, just when she thought the whole journey would be spent in silence, he spoke,

"I am sorry for what Meg did, she is a bit crazy."