her punishment

The whole drive went silent as Angela imagined the thousand ways Asbeel could use to punish her, but no matter how much she thought, there was not a single way, she could get agreed on.

She was so immersed in herself that she did not notice his eyes, that were gauging her every expression like a hawk. He could see the fear crawling up to her face for the first time she was with him.

'That's right angel, you need to be afraid of me' he mumbled in a voice that only he could hear.

Angela did not even realise that Asbeel had stopped the car and they were already at their home, till he held her hand and took her out. 

He was already out of the car and standing in front of her by keeping a hand forward. She held his hand and the grip on her hand tightened. They both walked in silence as the lift slowly ascended them towards the floor.

Angela was thinking of a way to explain to him that it was not entirely her fault.