torture her

"No, I don't need that meagre amount of money you had." Asbeel snarled and Angela bit her lip hard. 

She knew she had a very little amount of money in comparison to Asbeel, but that was what she had for now.

"Then what your punishment would be?" she asked again.

"Didn't I say don't bite your lips!" he replied in a very low and dangerous voice. All the hairs of Angela's body stood up. As she let go of her lips in an instant.

"Hmmm, since you had already promised to touch me bare, then why not add a few things as your punishment," he replied contemplating. The look on his face changed again.

She could see the look in his eyes had changed yet again. He had become a dangerous beast. He always looked dangerous but this time, Angela felt really nervous about him being like this. Her heart wouldn't stop beating like crazy even as she tried to convince herself that everything was just fine.