
Asbeel walked out of the room following the music, leaving Meg coughing on the bed.

He walked to the room, where Angela was playing the piano. It was the same song he had played for in the past but still, it sounded different. When he played it, it was somewhat blunt, yet when she was playing it felt like someone had blown a new life into it.

He stood there leaning on the door as she played the song, there was something stirring in him when he kept listening to music flowing in the air, but his eyes went wide open when the beats changed, now she was playing soft lore, the lore sound so familiar yet distant and soon his head started hurting as if someone was hitting a thousand nails in his head, the main was throbbing his head and he was bewildered.

He was not a human to feel the pain like that. How could he feel pain so suddenly? His knees were giving away, the more he listened to the music and soon he fell there.