old forgotten memories

"what the hell happened to him?" sataniel's voice reverberated in the whole area.

"We don't know, for a moment he was fine, standing with me, then he heard some music and followed it and there he fainted. We don't have much idea either." Said Meg and Lucas nodded, who was in his ghoul form again.

"you mean to say that he fainted by listening to a song?" he asked in a mocking tone, but still both of them nodded.

"And you think I am a fool" he added as his eyes scanned his body and at last stopped at his brain, he could see the water of the lethe river in his mind leaking in, he was shocked to see that the water was getting forced out of his mind.

Every time when a living being dies and enters hell whether it's human or angel, he is dropped into the river, the river of forgetfulness to make his mind blank like a slate. So that they would leave their past life and make a fresh start here.