spy him

"He thinks I am behind a human and runs away from hell," she replied with a smirk and he nodded satisfied.

"Go and stay with him, if you stay here for more he will be suspicious. And tell him, I let you go because he was not well, and I want him to come back and meet me," he said and Meg furrowed her brows.

"But he would not come," she replied and satainel looked at her as if she was an idiot.

"Of course, he would not. But if I did not send him that message, he would be suspicious again. He lives in the safest place, if he would not allow you, you would not be able to stay there anymore. He had the power to say with demon and angels both." he replied and it piqued her interest again.

"Sataniel, you always say that Asbeel is different. He can stay with angels and deal with god, why? No demon could bear the auspicious aura he handles easily." she asked and Sataniel eyes narrowed.