
"Are you sure?" he asked surprised but she nodded in a heartbeat, there was no hesitation in her eyes or words.

"You have grown guts, little angel, is the small chick, finally growing into a chicken" he asked, smirking and her brows furrowed. She glared at him

"I am not a chick or a chicken, I am a human Asbeel. You are sick, you should not waste your energy this way. Just try to sleep and i will keep an eye on you." she replied strictly, like a teacher discipling a student.

Asbeel shook his head, "so, by sleeping together, you mean I would sleep and you will keep an eye on me." he asked and she nodded.

"I am not a kid Angela that would need a babysitter, I am a fully grown man that needs a lover by his side." he added and she blinked.

"I am your lover." she replies unsurely.

He smirked as he added, "if you are one, then behave like one." she looked at him curiously. Was she not behaving like one all day, how else should she behave.