harder and faster

[mature content, only for readers above 18 years of age or above]

Asbeel walked in with the desire to see her first. He had never felt so much desire to come back home in  a long while. Home! Even this word had no meaning . life. All he wanted was to be with her. Have her, love her. He had never thought about someone like this.

When he entered the villa, she was not in the garden like always where she liked to spend her time. She often spends her whole day in the garden, planting more and more trees and talking to flowers.

Or watch tv and other shows. She did not go out, especially when he had strictly denied her. And he was sure he had told her specifillacy in the note to take rest and exercise. He had also asked her to not go anywhere.

He frowned when he went in and she was not even there. He had thought that she must be in the kitchen if not in the garden. He moved towards the bedroom but even that place was empty.]