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"Asbeel…" Angela called out his name and he looked at her. But all he saw was her, her face, her body, the love that had been hidden in her eyes for him.. Or was that just a mist and he was just hallucinating. she was drowning in him every passing second.

"I think I am fine now.." she said, gaining his attention. He touched her body to make sure that she was really fine. Though her temperature was better than before he still felt that she was not fine.

So he shook his head. "I will not cross my limits Angela, if that is what you are afraid of." he spoke gently. 

She wanted to tell him that was not the case. She wanted to explain that she wanted him to cross it one day, she had always wanted it. But she was shy and conscious. She did not know how to react. So, she just nodded.