Will you marry me?

Angela felt the warmth on her skin was gone and cool air started caressing her body, which made her shiver. She opened her eyes to see the reason only to find Asbeel looking at her with intense gaze.

She looked back into his eyes. The eyes that shone differently, the eyes that have secrets hidden in them. The eyes, she did not know when have become part of her life. When she started loving him so much.

When he had saved her? When he had told her that she was special or when he left her and his absence made her realize how important he was! Or when she had started walking alone and felt how important his company was for her.

"Asbeel, is there something the matter?" she asked as he finally moved his gaze from her face and looked above. His hands were below his head as he turned and started looking above.

Her brows furrowed further when she looked at his gloomy look.