Grant a wish!

"Asbeel, would you marry me?" she asked, as her last hope, if it did not work too then she did not know what else to do!

But soon she felt the changes in him, his body that was burning slowly started turning normal. His eyes that have lost their color started turning normal again.

  When Angela said those words, time seemed to have stood still for Asbeel and everything else faded away. The only thing left in his world was her, her voice and her touch that was filled with love and concern. 

Her voice was like the invisible hands of an angel touching him, caressing the deepest corner of his burning heart, calming it with her soft hands. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. All he knew was that the moment she started hugging him, she had captured every bit of his attention and the world ceased to exist. All he could see and hear was her.