Chosen by the primordial goddess of humanity to be her champion, Eislynia must now travel worlds and save them by slaying the maleficent gods and goddesses ruling them.
All for the ultimate goal of making humanity shine!
Based on a CYOA by FancyFireDrake
I also don't own the cover pic.
- "· golpea la sangre ·" = ( - · Shinmai Maō no Keiyakusha · = ( - fairi tail = (,( - naruto = kushina uzumaki y mikoto uchiha, ( - blanqueador = ( - shakugan no shana = ( - una pieza = ( - el destino se queda cerca = ( - Rosario + Vampiro = ( - devorador de almas = ( - nanatsu no Tazai = 'gelda', ( - hischold of the dead = shisuka, saya, ( - damanchi = ( - shingeki no kyojin = ( - "Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei" = ( - "· AMAR A RU ·" = (, ( - "· Date a live ·" = ( - · Trinity Seven · = ( - · Infinite Stratos · = ( - · Sword Art Online · = ( - · Campione! · = (Https://!_Wiki). -mushuko tensei. - "· Sekirey ·" = ( - · Seirei tsukai no blade dance · = ( - ( etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...... (\ _ /) ...... ('_') .... / "" "" "" "" "" "" \ ====== ° ▒▓▓ █D / "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" \ \ _ @ _ @ _ @ _ @ _ @ _ / _______________________ _ $$$$$$$ ___ _______ ________________________ $$ $$$$$$$$ _______ _ ________________________ $$$$$$$$$$$ _______ _________________________ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ___ __________________________ $$$$$$$$$$ $ _____ _____________________________ $$$$$$$$$ ... $$$$ ___________________________ $$$$$$$$$$ _____ __________________________ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ __ ________________ $$$ ______ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ ___ ______________ $$$$$$$$ _____ $$$$$$ __ $$$$$ __ _____________ $$$$$$$$$$ _____ $$$$ ____ $$$$$ _ ___________ $$$$$$ _ $$$$$$$$ __ $$$$ ______ $$$$ __________ $$$$$ _____ $$$$$$$$ _ $$$$ _______ $$$ ___ _____ $$$$$ _________ $$$$$$$$$$$$ _______ $$$ _______ $$$ _____________ $$$$$$$$$$ ________ $$$ _____ $$$ __ ______________ $$$$$$$$$$ ________ $$$$$$ __ $$$$$$ __________________ $$$$$$$ _________
Shameless Author being Shameless Shamelessly. I will accept suggestions for worlds to travel to though I do have one world in mind that will be a mashup of various slice of life worlds. She'll be going to that one whenever she needs a break from all the fighting. Mc also has the ability to travel to worlds whenever she wants so she might not stay in one world until an entire arc is over. She might just up and leave in the middle of it if she has something better to do.
great idea, hope to continue!!!!!!!!!great idea, hope to continuegreat idea, hope to continuegreat idea, hope to continuegreat idea, hope to continue
Yes ...........::.............................................................................................................................
Good start ............................................,.............……..........................................,........,?!’bccxxxvbb,,,?!!?,
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler