Jackson Loved “Friendly’s” Town

The kids found a river, and continued walking along side it, "Guys according to the rocks shadow its about 2:00-3:13 PM," said Mie "Great so that's why I'm so tired let's just stop for a bit Ley!" said Dylan "don't ask me cause we ain't stopping until it's pitch black," "but we are tired," said both Preston and Rox "but we have to keep following the river it has to lead to a village, a small town or even a city," said Quinn, "I know, I know," "Maybe Quinn could talk to a bird or something and it could give us directions on where a town, city, village or shelter is," said Mie "If we don't eat it from starvation!" yelled Dylan in the background which ended up in a fist bump with Preston, "Immature Weirdo and once again how am I even your sister? and yeah right like if Quinns gonna speak to a bird," said Roxy to that statement made by Mie, Harley then facepalmed, signed and said "don't forget we were all trained to survive stuff like this, they trained us according to our powers," "Really! I almost forgot I could talk to animals that's my extra," Quinn said with an embarrassed chuckle.

After walking for two more hours they finally came across an animal, a deer to be exact, all of Quinn's friends went to a stop like a deer in headlights and went completely quiet for Quinn to be able to walk toward the deer slowly as to not scare it away then in a soft voice as if speaking to a child-like she was trained to do said: "hey buddy we were wondering if you could tell us if we are on the right path to a small shelter or a place that there are lots of humans that could help us?"

The deer replied with, only Quinn being able to understand him, "great more humans hmm, they look like the almost murders kind of humans, might as well, yes there is a few whatever you light murders call it oh yes miles just keep following the river till there is a small town, there is not much murder there," "well that's rude! and weirdly thank you mister survived of the murders, by the way, we can't drive the light thing yet but we would never hit deers, expect for Dylan most likely he knows how he's just too young, he is the one with the brown curly hair and the navy blue jacket he somehow can already drive, you can attack him for revenge, ok thank you once again mister deer," the deer then walked past the group and pass every one of Quinn's friends, after he passed Dylan he stopped turned around gave him a deer in headlights look and kicked him a then ran off, "Quinn had something to do with that, it's a good thing I didn't throw him up in the air and made him our food," Dylan said moaning in pain.

After walking for a while after Quinn said to keep following the river, they found a sign that said: "Jackson Loved Friendly Town." They walked in the entrance and saw a wretched, torn up looking town, Zhen Zhen then pointed out "Hey, Preston, Rox, and Dylan, you guys notice the name Loved could be the last name of the Harvey Loved Children's Orphanage this could be the guys' brother, or relative somehow and were walking into another trip by the L.O.P," "Affirmative!" agreed Preston "Agreed," said Rox and last "We get what we need and..." "guys were never in Jersey in the L.O.P! They took us to California!" yelled Quinn after reading a much more tiny sign besides a fourth burned down house they saw. How did they get from Jersey to California!

(Stay tuned for terrible humor, yeah actually stay tuned for my book please 😆)