Return of memories

Jiushu stared at the words.

What the fuck? The news they give in the middle of night after waking her up is to say that the rescue is aborted? … Ah.. Couldn't they have asked the damn thing after she is awake? She glared at the words.

She did not choose yes or no immediately, just to spite whoever that is asking.

She finished her morning routine first.

She checked on her crops.

She started processing agricultural waste…

When all was over, she habitually turned her attention to the window.

There is no fire..



What? Jiushu rushed to the window and peered down.

There's a small dot in the distance, looking more and more like a torch. She opened her mouth to call out, only to stop halfway in between.

'Who are they?'

She assumed automatically that it was MoQiu who abandoned rescue because his name is associated with the words. Why did he abandon rescue?

She looked at the glowing red letters. Instead of yes and no, she touched rescue aborted first. The words expanded.

'Your ally MoQiu, despite being the only one capable of getting in and out of the abyss, did not choose to not rescue you.'

That is all it said. Only, it chose the wrong opponent in Jiushu. Jiushu is very manipulatable normally. She probably will fall for every trick in the book, except for malicious marketing. It has nothing to do with marketer skill, she just disliked being told by someone how to spend her money.

Right now, the words displayed are very much leaning towards malicious marketing. In the first place, what is MoQiu to her? He is a fellow transmigrated comrade. They have no relation, he is not her father, brother or lover. Why in the world must he rescue her?

On top of that, Where in the world did this dog system get the impression Jiushu needs to be rescued? She can walk just fine with her own two legs, she had a neat plan to get out too. She is not a damsel in distress, so why must she be rescued?

She decisively hit on yes, keeping MoQiu an ally.

Somewhere in an intangible place, a divinely beautiful woman smiled.

At last…a little hope is born. Among the entire populace, Many are selfish. Some are good only in action, but not in heart. it is indeed a rare human who truly follows justice in his heart and action. Jiushu, despite knowing MoQiu's power, and how easy it is for him to rescue her, did not resent him. not even in the bottom most corner of her heart.

At last! a good seedling.

Perhaps she can give her little worshipper a small gift.

The memories flooded into Jiushu's mind.

Her name in this world is Mo mei yang. Her mother named her so, hoping she can be young and beautiful forever. She is the princess of Mo country, which only sounds good on paper. In this world, demons and angels are forever fighting for power. While angels sound like paragons of virtue, demons like beings from hell, it did not exactly work like that.

Angels held all the power within the realm. However, they must give out twelve blessings every year. However, there is one blessing which is given out every year. It's not the farming system, but a 'Taoist'. One of the most widely known Taoist's power is 'bind'.

A Taoist can bind anything intangible, like forming a rule of the universe. One such Taoist has bound the blessings given every year to descendants of the current emperor, who is turning sixty this year.

Once all twelve blessings are taken at the same time, a man can go from being a man to demon king. These blessings will not deteriorate with time, on top of that, over time, angel's magic will be absorbed by the demon king, killing the angel.

Jiushu reeled in understanding. Her own father is searching for her, so he can offer her as a sacrifice in his path to power. Ofcourse, the royal family will be this mad, she thought to herself wryly. On top of that, this particular emperor has bred like a breeding horse, with twenty nine sons and still going, eighty nine grandsons and even nineteen great grandsons are born.

She wondered if the angel chose her because she is the one that slipped from the net.

She stood there motionlessly, digesting the information.

It was not until she heard her own name in the conversation outside the window she woke.

"Mo meiyang… how can we recognize a skeleton?" One of the guards questioned another.

"What if her body had broken to pieces when she fell? We will never be able to find her." another guard complained.

They came to find her predecessor? …


"She is not dead." The man who's adorned in most well kept armor answered.

The rest of the guards turned to him, while all of Taoist's attention was on his own torch.

Jiushu perked her ears.

She seriously wanted to know why they think she's alive in this cave after this kind of inferno.

"This jade will turn white if she's dead." The man answered, showing the guards a blood red jade leaf.


He let the leaf hang on his head by the cord.


The leaf fluttered as if there's a wind in the cave.


Jiushu felt a pull.

The leave swung in the air unnaturally, pointing right at her face.

Jiushu moved her eyes as if hypnotized from the leaf, to the cord it hung on, from the cord, to the leather glove, from the glove to the armored neck and up, only to meet the eyes of the guard captain, his smirk full of smug satisfaction of finally catching the prey.