Chapter 4

On my way to math I heard someone calling my name. I didn't respond for I figured it was only my imagination.

"Wait up will you?! Geez. I kept calling your name about ten times now." I heard a guy's voice behind me.

"I thought that was my imagination." I replied apologetically and started walking again while he caught up walking next to me.

He smiled and looked into my eyes, politely. "I'm Lance, Lance Walker."

"Sir Lancelot." I winked and flashed my eyelashes which made him smile until he laughed.

"Don't even get me started on that one ."

We were now in the corridor of our math class.

"So..." He insinuated and nudged me.

"I don't know, do you know who teaches us math?" I didn't really feel like talking at that moment.

He was quiet for a minute as if he was thinking.

"Yeah, I think it is Mrs Wacky..."

"She's married?"

"Yeah, people say its weird to them how she is married, because she is really odd and crazy."

"As in?" I smiled, intrigued .

"I don't know geez. We will have to find out."

"Yeah, guess so." I mumbled.

Awkward silence followed. Joking around was fun and all but I shouldn't get too close to someone or they'll start asking me personal questions.

"Hey." He started. "Want to sit together?"

"Sure why not." I grinned, there was no harm in that right?

"Yes!! I can see it now. Us two math buddies for life." he held his hand out before him.

"Whoa! Don't get ahead of me here bro." He and I let out our last laughs as we entered the math class.


This wasn't a math class. It was enough to take anyone's breath away. Now you're wondering what I'm referring to right?

The room was transformed in something that looked like an enchanted forest with a real life river surrounding the room. There was no words to describe how real it looked and beautiful it was. It was when two firm hands pressed on my back, that I got snapped back into the bored old reality. Though I walked a bit forward, his hands still didn't leave my back. Wait, is it just me or is this guy looking for a reason to touch me? That's when I slowly spun around to see him in a trance of his own. His arms was now at his sides like a zombie's.

"Its amazing." He breathed slowly.

"Yes, no words can explain how much I love it." I replied, a smile on my face.

"I know, geez." He said and finally got snapped back to reality.

"Hey, where's the teacher?" He asked meeting my eyes.

"Finally, welcome back to earth and reality. Fellow minion." I giggled.

He chuckled. "Was I out that long?" His cheeks flushed.

"A little." I held back a laugh.

"You can't blame me." He composed himself again.

"No I can't." I agreed.

We both walked forward and stepped over the little 'real' life, river with actual water.He chose a desk right at the front and me the desk behind him. When we got settled, the rest of the students was already seated and chatting. I rested my hands on the desk which was shaped in a real tree like way and felt the texture with my hands.

Lance turned around to look at me. I could however feel someone else stare at me too. Their eyes burned through my back.

"Hey, let's move your desk next to mine, so we can sit together."

I gasped as shivers ran down my spine. Maybe I made a few enemies.

"Lance, that's not a good idea...We can't do that!" I protested but he didn't take no for an answer.

"Yes we can." He spoke fast, crossing his arms over my table and leaning onto it by staring back at me.

This is so awkward. Is it just me or is he like too close.

"No we can't!" I panicked, he caught me off guard.

He sighed and looked back towards the back.

"Look there, they are doing it, so why can't we?"

I looked back to where he was pointing and understood what he meant. Students moved their desks, so they were next to each other.

"Yes but..." I protested as I looked back.

As response he just waved his hand in my face. "No...buts." He smirked.

"Okay fine." I scoffed. "But if we get in trouble, it's your fault. I'll blame it all on you."

He blinked at me before it hit him.

"Hey! And I thought we were friends."

"So what should I get out of my desk now?" I smiled teasingly.

"You ask me." He smirked playfully.

Just as I got out. He jumped out of his desk and pulled my desk next to his, not giving me time to speak or protest.

"Uh hey! I could have moved that myself."

"Yes, but what if you thought to change your mind?" He winked at the end.

"What is this payback now?" I resisted the urge to pout.

"Totally." He grinned and I could see his shining white teeth.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my desk. It was only when I sat down, that I noticed how close our desks was to each other. I mean there was absolutely no space in between. He sat down next to me and I scooted away as much as I could.

"So when do you think the teacher will come?" He asked as he looked back at me.

Just as I was about to answer, our teacher entered the classroom and I felt knocked out of my world.

No wonder, they call her Mrs. WACKY.

Suddenly a choir of cat walk whistles echoed by all the boys in the class including Lance. I glared at Lance and landed a hard punch right at his shoulder. That snapped his attention back towards me, giving me a quick glare and rubbing his shoulder. I just rolled my eyes at all the perverted boys in our math class-- including Lance.

There Mrs. Wacky glided along the painted forest ground floor which was decorated with artificial grass and plants. She came to stop in front of the white board. Her feet to ankles were clothed in the perfect pair of brown leather cow girl boots, with a pattern decorated on it. Trailing my eyes up her legs, she was wearing white shorts that reached her mid thighs. Further up, she wore a button upped-shirt that complimented her figure perfectly.

Her hair hung just past her shoulders in pure-white-blond locks. The rare-type color. Gorgeous. She was wearing no make-up and had a god-forsaken- BEAUTIFUL face.

Her drop-dead gorgeous body had almost every curve known to charm men. Her skin color was the perfect peachy clear radiant skin that any girl could envy.

"Oh I'm sorry boys, but as you can see I'm married." She spoke in her sugary sweet soft voice as she showed them her ring. Every guys in class sighed at her voice.

I looked at my hands. My skin was nothing like hers. Mine was pale and had a lot of freckles, some bigger than other others. Even my face had freckles. I don't get it, how does she get herself to shine like that and to be so skinny. I squeezed a piece of fat around my hand and sighed. Oh how much I would sacrifice for a body like hers.

She smiled a million dollar teeth smile and I felt my self esteem take another punch. Her clear as sky blue eyes was staring back at us in a welcoming way.

The last thing I need is to be pretty...

I bit my lip and shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Welcome to my little paradise, don't tell my husband though, he thinks he is my only paradise, which he is not..."

The guys gawked at her and some smirked while they continued checking her out.

"Right now before we start...any questions?"

Everyone raised their hands including me.

Mrs Wacky pointed her hand at the back and a guy spoke up.

"How old are you and how long have you been teaching?"

She smirked a little then grinned. "Let's say I got married 3 months ago, which means, I was 25 and yeah, I already been at this school since 24, so I have been teaching for about one year. Not that much, but this is just the beginning." She clapped her hands at the end.

Then once again the hands flew up. This time she chose a girl from the back.

"How did you know, get your body to be so curvy, look that way and well-"

Mrs. Wacky cut her off by laughing. "That my darling is my dirty little secret." The girl blushed and wanted to protest but Mrs. Wacky just smirked. She's low key evil.


Once again the hands flew up and I noticed Lance reach upwards with his hand and arm so he can be higher. Mrs. Wacky raised her hand and happened to choose Lance. I started to glare at Lance and just as I thought he was going to say or ask something perverted, he surprised me.

"Ma'am, I have a question. My older friends told me that the standards for us juniors are going to be different from when we were we sophomores. Is that true and what is the different groups?"

Mrs. Wacky grinned. "That is correct. You are all now divided in five groups of course."

"Five?!" Lance spoke startled.

"Yes. Let me explain. You all know your ABC's am I correct?"

"Yes." The class groaned.

"Well it works the same. A is for Amateurs. Which is for the Math literacy people. B- is for Best. Which is the people barely passing math or getting in the 40's, 50's or 60's. C- is for the people that is Close to our marks. They are the 70's and also the 80's. Then finally the D- is us for Dedicated. Then Lastly we have the E- which is what the braggers call Experts. To be in the E-math class, you have to be THE BEST. With other words. 100's all the way."

The class gasped.

"And also, if you don't get 100 anymore, you fail the class and drop down."

I found my hand flying up by myself. Mrs. Wacky's eyes connected with mine and I immediately started talking. "But is that even possible, to always get 100 percent."

She shook her head. "I know what your thinking, how is it even possible, well, the thing is this schools standards has some pretty smart students. Which is why it is so popular around."

"But ma'am! Isn't it mental abuse to threaten them to always get 100 percent? Besides it is usually rich people who force their kids into these type of conditions. Don't they care about the students themselves?!" I rose up from my desk.

Mrs. Wacky was about to reply when she got cut off by another guy rising up from the back.

"Ignore her Ma'am. She's delusional and wrong."

Just as I spun around- I saw him, the guy I thought not to pay much notice to in home room.

The mysterious Coral Cameroon finally caught my eye.

The atmosphere in the class no longer felt peaceful and welcoming.

I could see his red eyes flashing in the reflection of his glasses- fake glasses as he looked at me in a way that made the hair on my arms stand up.

Maybe I just began a war with a devil.