chapter 3



So this was it, mh mom died on me like its not anyone's  business.  She could have talked to me. She could have asked for our help, how could she give up like this. But why mom , why i thought she loved us and wanted u to be a happy family why did she not tell anyone.

Not thinking  i walk just following  the  road. So my mom is  gone ... gone sounds like she'll  come back she ran away .. she  is  dead. I let tears roll down my eyes i just kept walking  and did not even notice  where i was going. I landed up in an empty alley on the street. I just sat in that alley crying  my eyes out. I jusg wanted all the pain to stop and go away. I couldn't  go home now and watch my brother break down and i know i couldn't  do anhthing. i sat there for hours  i dont know when i fell asleep. I felt myself rising  i tried to wake up and i heard a soft voice whispering " its ok love just sleep ill take care of you" i didn't  know  who it was but i felt comfortable  so i did not fight and just cuddled  closer to his chest. His scent filled my nose and i knew from the moment i could  never refuse his comfort.

I woke up to the sound of a door softly  closing . Big room,big bed. Deep grey walls surrounded  me. A black dressing  board  and a mirror  4 doors in the room. And me lying in a bed covered  in Black and white duvet and white sheets. I panicked  when i realized  that i was dressed in a different  pair of clothes. A black dress shirt that seemed to be covered in a masculine  smell from the person who carried  me yesterday. I quickly  go up and tried to find my clothes  the door on my right opened and a lady dressed in a maid attire  walked in with a bright  smile on her face and a set of clothes on a hanger in her hand

" Good morning  ma'am,im Sasha and Mr Andersen  instructed  me to give you these. He will be back in a few hours to take you to your mother's  funeral. These are your shoes please feel comfortable  to tell me if  you do not like them. The first door to your left is the bathroom ,the next one is the changing room and the other door is to Mr Andersen's  study room. You can go in and check in the bathroom  if the shower gels, shampoos  and feminine  washes  are of your choice,you'll  find the lotions you need in the changing  room  if there is anything  you  need  i am outside  your door please do call me. Ill take  my leave " she said all this looking at the floor not even facing me or giving me an opportunity  to  ask anything and walked out softly  closing  the  door.

Great Rose you are in a stranger's  house getting  royal  treatment  and your  brother  is alone mourning  your mother probably  worried  sick about you. I went to the bathroom  and slowly  took a long needed bath i felt like a mess from the crying  and walking. I stood under the shower and let the warm water  run over me mixing with my tears, i let out a little sob and before j knew it strong hands hugged me from behind ,trailing then from my breasts lightly  kneading  them  and kissing  my neck and everywhere.  I felt comfortable and did not want to move but i had to find out who this  was. i  tried  to  turn and face him but he held me firmly my back against  his chest" not now love first let get rid of this pain its not pleasant  for me to watch. I lifted my hands and held his arms trying to move but it was a mistake. He let out a low groan and cupped  my pussy in his hand and hissed " shit i cant do this now " i heard him say . I felt a strong  firm bulge  on my lower bed and it was not  comfortable  at all so i moved my hand to touch and get rid of it."ahhh fuck love you are pushing  me  closer to the edge i wont be able to keep my cock to myself for long" he said with a low husky voice.Only after touching  it i realised  i had for the first time held a stranger's  dick in my hand. It was so hard and errect  panicking  i quickly  let it go and tried  to move out of the shower. "Please let me go i need to go and change I looked down  at his arms which  were tightly  wrapped  around  my abdomen.  "Sure baby" he let me go and i turned to look at him "look at me love you just  touched my dick but cant look at my face,or you are enjoying  looking at how erect i am for you." he said with his two hands lifting  my head  i looked up and my eyes locked with a set of beautiful ocean  blue eyes .Brad,my own brother. Guilty  as ever i walked  out of  the shower and went  to  get dressed.