Where am I?

I just finished playing Call Of Duty and decide to get off for the night. I go into the kitchen to get some apple juice while chilling on my phone scrolling through Instagram looking at memes.

I lay down on my bed looking at one more meme about dragon ball, and decide that it was about time that I go to sleep. Considering I don't have that many friends and haven't had a girlfriend since middle school, there isn't anything going on anyways. I'm not a social reject at all, it's just that I don't have friends anymore since school got closed down. I'm not a weeb either since I stopped watching anime 2 years ago.

I start going to sleep thinking about tomorrow, nothing eventful as I don't go outside and I even started to get fatter than I was. Maybe I need to exercise more to lose some of these pounds. Maybe more girls would talk to me... damn I need a girlfriend.

I finally drift off to sleep after talking to myself for around 10 minutes. Only to jolt up on the ground surrounded by trees. I slowly feel adrenaline as I become confused and alarmed about what happened. Have I been summoned to another world as a savior? No because it would've been in a castle. I get up realizing I was in my bed but not in my house. I realize something and start looking for my phone in my bed. I find it and see if I can check my maps to see if I can find my location, but realize that there is absolutely no service on my phone. Now I start having a panic attack, will I even be able to talk to my mom, dad, grandma?

I start to cry realizing if I'm in another world I will never meet them again. I look at my phone seeing that my battery is at 100% how. I was too lazy to reach for my charger and it was at 34%. I start to get chills so I decide to leave my phone open for a couple of minutes. For it to tick down to 98%, I blow a light sigh because it already seems like my phone is hacked. And for it to never leave 100% would be alarming.

I decide to pay attention to my surroundings and start to decide what I should do. I've been teleported to another world so there are many possibilities that I can start on.

1. I can leave this area and leave my bed here

2. I can stay here and cultivate like in all of the stupid Webnovel s and stuff

3. I can continue with number 2 but stay here and build a temporary base

I decide to just go with number 3 and start finding sticks and such. Then I begin to realize that I have no idea what the hell I was doing. Since I don't know what I'm doing, I can't stay here. I've been hearing roars not even that far away, so I will just sit here and try to attempt to meditate or something. I get in a meditative position and close my eyes. I try to imagine ki as a blue liquid type thing flowing through my body. Although I can barely see any from me being from a powerless planet, I try to do something with the ki or whatever lifeforce and let it spread everywhere and consume the power and not let it leak.

I feel so cool doing this even though I'm probably doing absolutely nothing into making me stronger so I just stop. If there are dangerous animals here, I should make a weapon. I take one of those thick ass sticks and get a small stone, I begin to carve the tip of the spear into a weapon to at least do something to make them run away.

After i craft a trash spear I start practicing with it. Jabbing it like I'm attacking something until I get sore from doing it so many times. I also throw it to my bed for practice since I'm going to leave it here anyways, taking the cover at least for some type of comfort at night because it seems sort of chill at the moment.

I start leaving with my phone, spear, and covers, walking slowly because I don't have any shoes. It hurts stepping on things but I guess I will get used to it soon. I start walking silently because not so far away I see a bear chillin with its cube. I don't want to alert it because that would mean me on a non existent t-shirt because no one knows I'm here. It seems like a regular bear and Cubs so that seems good, maybe I'm not in fantasy but I just got pranked.

No because they would have said so it's been like an hour since I got here. And I would've gotten some shoes at the end of the bed or something.

I walk for around 10 minutes to hear my stomach absolutely grumbling. Maybe I should find a tree or something, I don't know how to hunt anything! I might as well try because I have this spear, I can try to find a river. And I want a place to get water and maybe take a bath. I begin looking around the area for a water source trying to see or hear anything with no avail. It's starting to get dark so I'm getting a little alarmed not too far away from me I can hear some wolves and I know that I can't outrun them. I start walking for a while and while I am I can see the sun going down a bit. Maybe I should try to build a fire? I watched multiple YouTube videos and it would've been helpful if I had some type of service to help me.

I start getting frustrated but keep walking, my feet is starting to get blisters and it kind of hurt so if something try to hurt me, im basically fucked. I see bugs all around me but i dont even want to try to hunt them. Im kind of scared to go to sleep because I feel like something is going to crawl on me, or I'm going to get eaten in my sleep.

I keep walking for around 20 minutes until I decide that I should just wing it and go to sleep. I go into a good spot and use the cover I brought and lay down on the floor almost fully covered. I start to think about what I should do tomorrow, should I hunt, maybe try to get better with the spear and exercise since it seems like imma be here for a while? Before I can make up an answer, I drift off into sleep.

I luckily wake up the next day safe and sound. I get up and immediately stretch and yawn. Maybe I should just exercise and slim up, if I stay chubby like this it can be my downfall. I start doing push-ups, barely able to do 20. I try to do crunches and it hurts so much that I can only do 8, maybe jumping jacks will be better? I can at least do 25 of those no problem.

I used to play football in middle school so I was kind of active. I begin doing planks internally counting to see how many seconds I can go for.





"Huf huf huh"

I get up exhausted but motivated, I pick up the spear right beside my cover and start swinging it trying to do flashy stuff, maybe when I get back home I should buy another katana to actually use.

After 20 minutes of more training to not die, I pick up my belongings, feet dying but I'm trying to ignore the pain from all of the sticks and small pebbles. My stomach grumbling from not eating today or yesterday but I ignore it, maybe I can fast and burn off fat faster.

I decide to run but after a couple seconds I stepped on a stick and it hurt my foot so I just continued walking. I cont- wait, can I hear some water? I stop fully trying to find what direction it came from. I hear it from my right and start heading that direction. It takes around 3 minutes to get there and when I arrive, I see a medium sized deer drinking from the water. I hide behind a tree stalking it trying to be as silent as possible, but right when I get to the tree I step on a medium sided branch and it snaps under my feet. The deer sees me and begins to run, I almost start running after it but my feet would get more cuts and I would be able to keep up with it anyways.