Getting Stronger

I decide to just forget about the deer and just go to the water. I take off my clothes and start taking a shower with the river water, I start thinking and I absolutely suck at hunting and it seems like I won't be leaving this forest anytime soon so I need to get good at hunting or I'm gonna die.

I finish taking the knockoff shower and since I didn't have a towel to dry off with, I dry off with my cover. I put back on my clothes and sit there, should I drink the water or just leave. I'm kinda thirsty but I'm most likely going to get sick. I can't filter it or anything so what am I gonna do?

After a while of thinking I just take some sips, it's either I die or I drink this and get sick, any you know what I'm going with. I continue walking straight with my belongings and I just love how it looks out here.

Even though I'm starving to death and I'm scared to hunt, I'm enjoying my surroundings. I come up to some rocks and I decide to take a break and start training again. I'm sore but no pain no gain right? I practice with the spear thrusting it with all of my force. I feel like I'm in a anime right now with all of this stuff going on. Maybe I should try to pull a dark souls and make a magic weapon buff...

That would be cool not gonna lie. After doing a couple of reps with the spear I start doing push ups, jumping jacks, etc. My whole body feels like it's falling apart and I want to quit so bad but I'm motivated.

After that intense session I pick up my cover and on a impulse I check my phone. I forgot I even had it and it's on 99%... if I remember it was on 98% just yesterday. I ignore it and try to see if I had service and I got my answer shortly after. Maybe I should record my days before I go to sleep so I don't stay so bored so much.

Even though I feel so tired I want to cover more ground since the epic training session was so long. I can't wait to get back to society, the girls would be basically begging to be my girlfriend. I start walking but I hear something ruffling in some bushes aside me.

Not wasting any time I immediately start dashing towards it with the intention of scaring it off oh boy do I regret that. Turns out it's a wild boar and I ended up missing. Feeling threatened, the boar started trying to ram into me. I quickly dodge and start stabbing it with the spear as hard as I can.

I barely do anything to the boar so I start to running while it's still trying to react to me, I might die from this Because my feet won't be able to handle all of the stuff on the ground. I decide to stop and just try to kill the boar, while it tries to do a running jab I dodge and that gives me enough time to think about something that I can do.

Since the meditating I thought of something, what if I can maybe enhance my muscles or weapon in the ki and attack it to do more damage. The boar turns around and starts running at me but I feel confident. I dodge and try to focus the ki in my body to the top of the spear.

I make the energy inside of me flow out of my pores and onto the spear head. It starts running towards me so I dodge and then throw the spear at it's butt with as much force as I can put. As soon as I even got the chance to realize that I stabbed it, it ran away. I wanted my spear back so I followed after it I'm so glad that I didn't get rammed into.

After around 2 minutes later I find the boar dead on the ground sitting there. I could skin it but I don't have a knife to do it with. I don't want to leave it here because I'm really hungry, I decide to look for a small stone and a sharp piece of rock.

I decide to just leave because even if I find the rock I would probably mess up the meat and not be able to eat it. I continue walking until I feel like I should stop. This past day had been not very eventful and it's pretty boring just walking with absolutely no one not even knowing where you're going. I hope this world isn't as messed up as I can think it is.


It's been around 3 hours and I've just been munching on plats that seem edible and I'm still hungry. I need meat but even if I kill something I can't skin it. It's getting dark so I find a nice little tree to sleep under. I do some exercises and start trying to fall asleep. I feel tired and want to go to sleep but my body aches from whatever magic I put on my spear and from working out a lot.

I hear a lot of noises around me and I can hear things rustling in the bushes. I really don't want to take a L in my sleep so I just get up and start moving again. My whole body hurts but I don't want to risk dying in my sleep. I don't want to die a virgin and not get a chance to smash anyone. I don't care about anything else except that and my family, I begin to tear up after realizing I might not be able to see any of my family members again.

I walk for around 30 minutes and just collapse and immediately fall asleep from being so tired. I luckily wake up alive but I don't even feel like moving. I just sit there for a little bit just chilling and sulking at the same time. I decide to get up and try to find some type of way out of this dumbass forest.

I hate it here...