Everything hurts and I want a actual place to stay. It's been 2 days since that night and it haven't gotten any better than what it was before. I feel like my gut is eating it's insides to live and I don't like it.
I'm currently meditating to cool off for a bit until I continue walking. I feel like I'm doing productive things and i learning while being here, that seems to be the only good thing about being in this situation.
It's feels pretty good today and I can hear birds chirping and stuff, so at least it's somewhat peaceful... too peaceful. From the monsters I came across this doesn't feel like my world. I avoided them of course or I wouldn't have lived but they look weird.
But anyways, I feel like the energy that's following inside me is growing continuously no matter what, even if it's by a small margin it's still growth. I feel way nimbler and a lot faster. When I'm able to, I want to make something that makes be stronger using my ki like a big power up.
I decide to try something and I put as much ki as I can inside of my muscles. I feel the pain instantly as the power goes into my muscles and grow my body. I feel myself growing and my muscles getting bigger and stronger as if I'm copying someone's move. I finish growing but I feel like I can't move at all. My muscles are aching from this lower suddenly growing out of absolutely nowhere.
It seems like I can't control this much so I let go of some of the energy inside me and I decrease in size a little to where I'm still buff but I can move. I begin to take small steps and i test this new powers. How am I even doing this, wasn't I just struggling to fight a boar? Do I have super reincarnation powers? And this was a move in dragon ball z...
I'm in Dragon Ball Z aren't I...
Man if I would've knew that before I could've been way stronger. I'm around 70% positive this is dragon ball, what should I even do. What year is it, how behind am I in power than everyone else.
I have to train hard from now on to be able to keep up. I start to try to practice in this form and I start to get used to all of this power. I feel like a fan girl because of how giddy I am from this, I never felt an adrenaline rush like this. I get out of the form because of the ki that's being used.
I begin to get all of the things to get ready to go and pick things off from my feet when I hear something behind me. Just as I was about to turn around something came leaping from behind me.
The only reason I avoided it was from the animal yelling as it was coming towards me, what's with yelling in anime? While it's still realizing I avoided it I decide to grab my spear and get ready to fight. It stares me down for a bit and then decide to go in for the kill but I see through the attack. With my hart pounding I dodge and do a devastating stab with my spear. It begins to whimper and start to run away from me. With my adrenaline slowly fading away I wonder on how I was able to dodge him so easily. I don't remember being this fast.
Maybe this is my cool anime powers, ultra instinct without the ultra. I don't know what timeline I'm in at the moment but I know that I can't just be at my full power all day everyday. With that I decide to start meditating again, wait can't I fly or something? Maybe I can fly out of the forest and go to a city.
I've been meditating for a couple hours taking breaks to chill and exercise I feel like I grow stronger every time I meditate or fight something, like I get exp or something but I don't have a system like those wuxia novels. I get my stuff and decide to start walking again. I'm walking and I hear something from the distance. That noise sounds familiar, I decide to start walking towards it.
As soon as I get close I can see a golden glow. I immediately knew what it was and decide to pick it up, a dragon ball I'm for sure in dragon ball. But at the same time that means I'm for sure not in my world. I guess I only have one thing to do, survive to at least see my twenties and see myself somehow surpass the strongest. I came here and received this power for a reason, I can at least try to use it.
Firstly one of the most important thing that I should learn as early as I can, ki manipulation. Maybe I should try a ki blast. The more I train, the better my power grows with this booster of mine. If I remember right, video learned how to do it easily and I'm at least two times stronger than her.
I try to focus my ki into a little ball from my hand and to release it. At first it felt weird when I tried to do it but it released and hit the tree that I was pointing at. I start getting excited and start shooting constantly in my surroundings, each slowly growing stronger and growing more in density.
Maybe I should learn to fly so I can escape this hell called a forest. I should train my body and that form first as I don't know what year this is and how far behind this is. I could try to get all of the dragon balls and make a wish, I have some wishes that could really help in me getting stronger in the future.
I try something that I thought about while shooting ki blasts, manipulating my ki with gravity to make the gravity around me stronger so I can get a good workout out of it because I mean I was training and since I get stronger over time I could use that to my advantage. I start focusing my ki and try to make it work with the air, making waves to push me towards the ground with force. It was starting to work but since I did it on a whim and didn't know what I was really doing, it didn't work.
Next on my list, finding dragon balls so I get the dragon ball out of my pocket and observe it. I find out that it feels unique to where it feels weird, like the flow that it has feels weird to me which is maybe because I'm just getting used to using ki but this feels like a different type of ki. I'm not used to sensing any other ki than me yet so that's maybe why it feels weird.
But before the sun start setting maybe I should go try and hunt some animals to get stronger. Then after that, we go to the city.