Piece of Progress

It's been a week and I've been training by killing the animals that try to attack me, I even came across two dinosaurs that would have killed me if it wasn't for my buffed form. I can tell that my power is growing exponentially at a fast rate. Before I really focus on ki control I have to get my experience with martial arts at the tip top. I should be here longer but it's kind of getting boring with just me here alone. I need some connections if I'm suppose to survive in this world.

Maybe I should finally learn how to fly to be able to get out of here faster, but first I should try to suppress my ki since I'm growing at such a fast rate I don't want them to know I'm here yet. I feel like I should find a place in this world before i alert any of them of my presence so they won't ask why I'm randomly in a desert with such power.

I'm not scared because their stronger but I just want to get on their good side because I know well that it would be helpful in the future since I read so many novels I have ideas on where to go with ki control, maybe I can make my own move in the future and defeat someone strong to make it way cooler. I start calming myself down and get into a meditative state and start thinking of ways to train.

Didn't piccolo do something to where he fight himself in his mind. Maybe I should try doing it so that I can have some type of fighting experience. Maybe when I get to the city I should train with martial artists. I try doing the thing where I fight myself but I don't know what to do so I just decide to scrap that.

Maybe I should try to use a stronger buff form or make up a cool second stage of it or something, since I'm not a saiyan I need everything I can get. Maybe I should name it pump up just for naming purposes. I get into my first stage of buff up form and I can feel the power in my muscles.

I begin to let more ki and power Into it as much as I can and I can feel the power coursing around my body in almost a chaotic way. My muscles kind of hurt from this random output of ki into them but it slowly starts to fade away from me.

I need to keep as much ki as i can from seeping from seeping out so that I can utilize it as well as not get sensed from the Z Fighters, I don't have that much fighting experience so I would most likely take a fat L from getting on their bad side.

I think of possible ways that I can use the ki to make me stronger, since I get stronger by doing this I can use up all the time I want and it does nothing but make me stronger. Maybe I could make my muscles smaller while having more power so that I could move fast but still have the power of the form. Since this form is so unfinished and trash I could at least do that so I can something to rely on.

Maybe I could make my ki decrease the muscle mass while making my muscles combine with the ki and kind of fortify it to be stronger than steel. But I might do that later since I don't have the energy to sit for hours while I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten meat in the longest I need to go to a city or town.

I remember how videl did it in the show, she put ki under her legs to be able to lift herself and fly around, I could copy the same thing she did and finally leave the wilderness. I begin to do exactly what she ended up doing in the anime and after 2 minutes I could feel the air below my feet begin to fly around from the strong ki under my feet. I feel myself lifting from the ground and my heart starts pounding. I was always not a big fan of heights so of course I would be scared but as well as that, I felt excitement from being able to get this far because if it wasn't for my ability, I would most likely be dead around this time.

I start trying to control myself in the air but it's kind of hard I'm not gonna lie. I don't think I will get used to it anytime soon but anything is better than right now. I decend and grab my spear, it's gotten shorter from me trying to keep it sharp but I also have the cover that I came with. I don't want to bring it since It's so dirty plus I can always get one from the city.

I pick up my spear and begin to fly away into a random direction to hopefully get to a city sometime soon. I felt scared that I would fall from this height but I tried not to think about it and just looked around. It was the middle of the day so the sun was still up and the area around me looked so beautiful but from not too far away, I can see some buildings and I knew that was a city for sure. Yo be honest it looked quite futuristic from my past world but I try not to think of the past world, I could feel the tears coursing down my face so I just try to speed up and in no time, I arrived to the city.

I land right outside of it so I don't get weird stares and I realize, how am I going to get money since I'm basically a homeless person in this world? I think of something and since it seems worth it I will just try it. Not to long later I pull up to a store with my feet aching it was a corner store that sold some clothes and such. I approached the man while he looks at me with what seems like disgust and I don't even blame him, I look like I would ask for change.

Before he could say anything I punch him in his face the people looked around me scared while I hurry and go to the register I could see someone call 911 but at this point I don't care I need the money. I see a man go out of a store to get something out of his car, I knew what was going to happen if I stood here so I grabbed the money and flew out of there.