Making Connections

Whew, i knew i would've been in trouble if I stayed there. This is the only way I could Even make money since I don't have a job or anything going for me. I check to see how much money j have but this isn't even my currency! Wait, since this anime is based in Japan it's obviously yen I should know around how much money I have.

I finish counting the money and it seems like I have 45,678 yen or as they call it here, Zeni. Maybe I should go and find somewhere to wash up first is there some kind of hot spring place that I can go to? Maybe if I look around I can find somewhere. I know there are places that are free of charge to shower in.

I looked around for about 30 minutes for a place but I couldn't find one. I decide to go to a random store to just find some soap and clothes so that I no longer look like a complete bum. I don't want to waste my money so I walk in the store while everyone around me is looking at me like I'm going to ask for change or something. I walk to the clothes section and look for some clothes that could fit and also get some socks. I grab some decent looking shoes and I also grab a mask. I go to the bath and body works section and get some nice spelling soap and some towels.

I walk to get a big bag and put everything in except the mask. I get some random hot food that sits there for people to pick up and go buy, I also get some chips and pizza and put them in the bag. I go behind something so people can't see me and I put on the mask, as soon as I do I hurry and run out with all of my speed and fly away to go towards the woods again. I can't believe I got away with all of this stuff. I know that stealing isn't right but considering I have so much power it's hard to think why not since I'm so broke.

I fly to a random spring that I saw from far away, perfect spot. I end up taking a nice bath and put on the new clothes and then eat. I begin to think to myself, if I go around and grab enough money I could be able to afford an apartment and start to chill or I could maybe go to a dojo and gain some fighting experience. But honestly I'm going with the latter because all of this training sort of gets boring and since I get stronger overtime I don't have to worry about anything for the time being.

I sit there thinking about my future and my past, I wonder what my mom and grandma is doing knowing I disappeared out of that world completely, what about my friends and me saying I was going to be on tomorrow. It's like those last online 5 years ago moments and I feel bad, even though I'm having fun it's hard not to think about my family and friends and how they miss me.

I most likely won't be able to go back so I decide to put on my mask and grab my stuff and decide to rob some stores and then go to another city to buy a house.

𝟸 𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛...

I've been to a lot of stores in that gigantic city and i stole a lot of stuff from them, at least I didn't rob someone and take their stuff so I'm doing these people a favor. I ended up getting 134559 yen and including my extra Zeni that adds up to a whopping 180,237 Zeni that should be able to rent a one bedroom apartment for now I won't be able to get a job unless my identity and personal info is somehow in this world.

I just got to this new city called west city and I went around to see if I could maybe find some apartments to buy but when I went there they said you have to be 18 to rent an apartment but they did recommend a hostel that's pretty cheap and only cost 100 yen a day. They said it was pretty nice there so I ended up walking there and it actually looks pretty nice.

I walk inside and go to the counter so that I could register into one of the rooms.

"Hello welcome to west city hostel, we have a different variety of rooms that you can rent out. Or if you don't want to you can rent a bed but there will be people that stay in the room with you."

"I would like to rent a bed please"

"Could you tell me how long you would like to stay here ask I could write it down?"

"Would like to stay for a month if that's possible."

"It is, would you like to pay it all upfront or pay every day? If you want to pay everyday you will have to pay for the first night right now."

"I will pay up front"

"That will be 3,100 Zeni."

I grab my bag and hand her the Zeni.

"Can you give me your name so I can mark you down?"

"Uh it's Bryan Anderson" after I give her my name she writes it down and hands me a set of blankets, a lock, and a key.

"Here you go and your room will be the fourth door to your left, also that locker is to hold your belongings so it doesn't get stolen, have a nice stay"

I leave into the hallway looking for the door, fourth door to the left and as I'm walking I see people passing around me going in and out of doors and one of them is holding their friend as if their keeping em stable and it seems like their going to the room I'm in.

I get into the room to see the two people sitting on one of the beds, the seemingly drunk one is the dude as the female is comforting him because it looks like he's gonna puke at any second. She sees me open the door and looks up and smile awkwardly,

"Oh hello you must be new here, don't worry about him he just drank a little too much tonight"

"Seems like you guys were having a good time." I say jokingly while sitting on the bed that I'm sleeping on.

"We wasn't even being close to done but this guy is a light drinker and I'm not much of a party person so I decided to bring him back"

"I'm not drunk it's just that I'm a little sick that's all" the man says and she starts laughing at his statement.

"Oh by the way since you seem like your gonna stay here my names Randall and this this guys name is Kayan, so what's your name?"

"My names Bryan its nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

After the greeting I put my stuff in my locker and get on my bed and since I can't practice my techniques Since I'm here I might as well meditate for a while. Since I don't want to look weir I will just pretend I'm sleeping. After meditating for a bit all I hear is "aughhhgh" and when I open my eyes all I see is puke on Randall


"Shit im sorry, I didn't think I really had to" Kayan says as if he didn't do anything

I snicker to myself and keep meditating as I hear them cleaning up and such. Around 30 minutes of mind fighting myself and training my ki I feel something deep inside, as if it's overflowing, as if I could lash out at any second and destroy everything in my way. I don't want to take out anyone because I just got here so I decided to get up, put on my shoes and leave to go somewhere.

I leave the hostel and immediately fly toward a far away location making aure I know which direction I was coming from. I feel like I'm going to explode To tiny particles if I don't let this power out so I just decide to just land below me and release this power dwelled up inside me.

As I release the power it's as if I was being coated with infinite power and stamina, I felt nothing but adrenaline and I felt invincible I kept powering up as I become enveloped in red aura but it felt like my body wasn't keeping up so I added my strongest buffed up form, creating a crater where I'm standing. Releasing this power feels so good and I feel like I'm getting stronger every second.

At this point my body is begging for me to fight so I decide to satisfy it, I've been fighting for 20 minutes and I can feel one, no 5 power level coming towards me their level is so low but since I'm so skilled it's child's play to sense them.

Since I start to feel calmer in this form I stop and turn towards them to wait but then I realize, since their flying so fast to my location it's a no brain yet to figure out who these people are... The ZFighters.