The beginning of a adventure

My mind is contemplating if I should encounter them here or just leave as fast as possible but it's as if this power makes me want to fight them as if they invaded my property. I begin to be filled with anger and rage for no reason and that makes me want to fight them even more. But luckily since my body is so adaptable I was able to grasp what was going on.

And with that I left the entire scene as fast as i could, hiding my power and powering down. As I power down I can feel the power leaving me but it feels as if the power is still there as if i never powered down yet. I can tell that my trait made me get stronger to be able to handle the backlash from releasing all of that power at once. If my trait wasn't there I would've gotten my organs crushed all at once, hell if I didn't have it I would've been dead in that forest.

All of that violence was making my body twitch in satisfaction as if I'm sadistic, makes me sound evil now that I really think about it. I always used to go on gore sites but I was usually nonchalant about it but this just feels different entirely. And what was that power that made me feel like this in the first place? This was never in dragon ball and never even introduced because humans doesn't even have any transformations.

I decide to just sit for a bit and meditate for a while to see if the change was happening from the inside. As I look into my ki I became astonished on what I saw, it's as if some type of other force was either taking over or reinforcing my ki. It feels dark and sinister as if I'm some type of demon or something, maybe that's the reason why goku came with so many ZFighters.

I can feel that I got stronger from holding that form for so long, my ability has been saving me a lot.

After meditating and reinforcing my ki manipulation for a little more I decide to end it off here and leave to head back to the hostel. I get into my room to see the guy there by himself passed out of his mind so I just leave him alone. But it seems like everyone in this room is pretty friendly with themselves so that should be pretty cool if I would hang out with them.

I decide to just go to sleep since all of that input of power got me kind of tired. I hop in bed and after a couple minutes of thinking to myself, I fall asleep.

When I wake up I just lay there with my eyes closed thinking about things that could help me improve. I realize that nothing really productive is going to happen for years and all of the potential of getting strong early is going to waste. Maybe I should leave the earth and get stronger that way so down the line I won't be cannon fodder.

Maybe I should leave the Earth since everyone here is weak but how? When I ask myself that question I see the dragon ball I have glowing in the bag then it came to me, I should just wish to go to namek or something. Then I had an even better idea, I can finesse Shenron and get multiple wishes at one time. I grab a piece of paper and decide what to write so my wish can be granted. First priority is a ship to go around space with and I could also get a gravity chamber like goku's had. Maybe I should get it big so It can be a house.

Or an even better idea, I can become my own leader and perhaps even have my own type of force. But anyways for my next wish it's going to be a big stretch but I'm going to wish to be a saiyan, but not just a regular saiyan oh no. An ancient saiyan, maybe a mix between good and evil, the ancient saiyans are way stronger than the current ones so that will be a huge advantage. Another wish could be unlimited potential so that I will never have bottlenecks and not be able to get as strong.

My last wises is to be able to instantly teleport to Namek one time with my belongings and to know the coordinates to yardrat so when I get what I wanted from Namek I can go to yardrat. I write all of those wishes down and put them in my bag of stuff so I won't lose it. I hear a lot of snoring so that means everyone is sleeping at the moment. So I get up silently and grab my belongings and I leave forever. I head outside after showering and eating some breakfast and I begin to think about the first thing to do to get the dragon balls. Maybe pay a visit to Capsule Corp and steal the dragon radar, yeah that's a fantastic idea.

I remember that it's in west city somewhere so I fly up and immediately I see it, it's really hard to miss. I fly there and made sure I'm hiding my ki, I go to the side of the building and get into a stance. I bulk up into max power and punch a big hole right into it and just as that happen I dash inside and go to the part where it's most likely at, where they build. As soon as I find it I see someone at the door absolutely dumbfounded at what happened, it's Bulma. She yells at me but before she's able to do anything I bust a hole into the wall and fly away, feeling good I go to a rooftop where I put my belongings at pick them up.

I turn it on and immediately I hear beeping as I see where the dragon balls are located I start smiling and laughing at what happened as I begin to go looking for the dragon balls.