The beginning of a New Evil

As of now, I only have 3 out of the 7 dragon balls and I feel like I'm close to accomplishing a goal of mine, I never really reached goals because I was lazy but here, it's either life or death so I have no choice if you really think about it. Not having anyone to talk to is kinda boring but I don't really talk so it's not a big deal to me, but I have something I want to do before I leave. Mf that is to SMASH even one time, that's my main goal as of now. But I ignore my lustful urges and fly toward the fourth dragon ball. As I'm going toward it I see a small town in the distance that I should maybe stop by and take a small break to relax and chill like a normal person.

Not too long later I land on one of the buildings and then jump off and begin to walk around looking at the stores and people and I spot a nice looking cafe that seem to be open. I decide to go in and order a coffee. After I receive it I sit by the window to admire the outside, the sun was setting so it made the vibe better and make my worries go to waste.

"I guess you like looking at the scenery too huh?" A girl says as he sits down next to me.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that, the sunset looks really nice so it's hard to ignore it."

I take a glance at her and she was as fine as it gets, I don't understand why she's in this small town when she could be a model somewhere but I'm not complaining.

"It really never gets old hahaha. Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Perla it's nice to meet you!" she says as she sips her beverage.

"My names Brian and it's nice to meet you too."

We ended up talking for a few hours and may or may not have flirted a little bit. She ended up leaving and we ended up making friends, I could've gotten her number but I don't have a phone so we decided to meet again tomorrow. After that I just sat there and chilled until I got tired of it. I think I should get one more dragon ball then call it a night. I begin to fly toward the next dragon ball. After a bit I end up in a forest and begin thinking, doesn't Goku live in the forest at this point or is he out adventuring? I arrive to the location and the house answered the question for me. Maybe they're asleep and I could break in? Nah because I'm gonna get beat if I do that. I decide to be simple and knock on the door.

I kinda start getting scared because i feel like something bad is about to happen. I hear footsteps and shortly after someone opens the door, It was chichi.

"Hello, I came here to ask if I can get the dragon ball here, do you perhaps to know nothing about it?" I say nervously as she stares at me suspiciously.

"I may have it but can you tell me where you got that device from?" Chichi says as she points to the dragon radar in my hand.

"Oh this? I bought it from someone earlier today and decided to come here because it showed a symbol of a dragon ball." I lie as I didn't want to get found out of how I really got it.

"Ok I believe you, I'm going to get my husband to bring it to you so just wait out here for a bit." She says as she closes the door.

Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to get in big trouble. I feel a strong ki signature moving around in the house when it was smaller and not moving not too long ago? That question made a lot of red flags pop up in my head, maybe bulma told them that someone stole it and to expect me to come here, that's why ChiChi looked so suspicious. Adrenaline kicked in and I decide to do something I'm definitely going to regret. I use the second stage of pump up and smash a large hole in their house to see goku putting on the rest of his clothes with a shocked expression looking at me.

As soon as I saw him I decided to attack, but he was faster and counter attacked but before he could hit I blocked.

"Your ki is familiar, and evil. Who are you and why don't you want the dragon balls?" He asked as we clash hits.

"All I simply want is a small wish but it seems like it's going to be postponed because of a disturbance" I say clearly pissed off on how this simple plan is so hard.

I can barely keep up even with pump up although I'm way stronger in every way except experience. I keep throwing punches but they aren't really connecting. I'm not used to being this fast and slow at the same time, and plus I've been fat all my life so doing this isn't really familiar to my body. As I throw another punch he vanishes behind me and knock me away from the house. I get up and begin to fight again but this time I got faster and coordinated my attacks more so I was able to put more punches. I should try to get this don't fast because I don't want anyone else barging in and trying to fight.

I look toward the house and saw a golden light, that's the dragon ball! Maybe I could try to grab it and fly away. I haven't tried actually fast flying but it's going to have to happen. As Goku and I are clashing I get a good hit in and knock him back, stunning him. I use that time to power down and run to the dragon ball. I grab it and envelop dark and sinister ki around me and fly away.

After I while I stop to take a break and fly to the town I was in and go to the store to buy food and clothes. The store seems well built and have goo stuff so I should be able to get decent stuff here to eat and wear. I ended up buying a some hoodies, shirts, and other stuff to take with me. I feel sleepy so I decide to fly on the store's building and eat the food and after a while of thinking, I fell asleep.

I wake up and it seemed to be around 6ish because the sun wasn't really out yet. I get a mini workout in and I feel piped up, I never expected to fight Goku out of all people last night. Maybe I should hurry and summon the dragon balls so I can leave before they find me. I take out the dragon radar to locate the fifth dragon ball and begin to head out.

After around an hour I found six dragon balls and I just got to the seventh. I find it in a bush and realized being able to fly and having the radar makes this a piece of cake. I pick up the seventh dragon ball in triumph and dump them all on the floor. I set them up right and then say "Come forth shenron and grant my wish!". As soon as I say it Shenron comes out and god does he look bigger than I thought he was. "State your wish" he says as I pull out my notebook. I tear the page out and say "I wish for every wish on this notebook to be granted"

"Very well." He says and then disappears back into the dragon balls then the dragon balls scatter. I feel something appear in my pocket and that n only mean, my wishes have been granted but where is the tail? I definitely feel stronger and everything but I don't even have a tail. Maybe it has to grow naturally so I ignore it. I feel like if I stay here I'm only going to get myself in trouble so I decide to go to the town and go to the cafe.

After around 30 minutes I arrive to the cafe and see the girl from yesterday. I walk up to her and we chat and flirt for a bit and she tells me how she wanted me to come to her house and chill. We got up and began talking while walking back to her place and we end up to her room. Even though I feel extremely nervous I decide to gun it and continue. After a while stuff started to get physical and and end up making out. I never kissed anyone before this and how she was kissing, it seemed like she never kissed before either. After a while of kissing we ended up naked and doing it. I didn't finish in 2 minutes like most dudes because I mastered the art of cumholding and it would've been a perfect experience but afterwards i realized I did it without a condom and i finished inside. After I told her she started bursting out crying because of the fact that she might end up pregnant and I basically had no choice but to comfort her.

After she feel asleep I began thinking on how this escalated so quickly. This is the dbz universe and she must have me fucked al the way to Narnia if she think I'm going to settle down and become a dad. So just as I got here, I grabbed my clothes and left. I flew to the plains and grabbed the Capsule and threw it. I'm not even gonna lie, was a pretty big spaceship and I feel like it's gonna come to use one day. I get into the spaceship and I disappeared off the face of the earth and onto the face of planet namek.