
I wake up and decide to make breakfast and then train in the chamber a bit. Having a tail feels weird because it's like having a arm but by your ass. I ended up making pancakes and a ton of bacon and sausage. After i felt full I went to the gravity chamber and trained some techniques similar to martial arts from back home. After around 4 hours I decide to check if I'm there and I was. It seemed like I was in a forest and luckily, it was nighttime.

I don't want to go monkey mode here so I fly out a bit until I get into a empty plain. I look at the moon and felt the blitz waves immediately. I body begins responding and I eventually grow while losing my conciseness and everything goes red then black. I feel like I'm in an out of body experience where I feel unconscious but I'm still awake I fight for control as begin thinking, can't I use ikari while in great ape? That would make me way stronger and I can become aware on what's going on.

It's like my urges are going crazy but I'm trying to suppress them to make myself smaller, I even meditate a bit so I can regain the use of my body. I keep struggling and I can see a little bit, it seems like I'm wreaking havoc on a city and their trying to fight me. They are hitting hard too so I really need to gain control bad. After a while of going in and out of control I finally gained control but it seemed like i destroyed everything here. It's still night but it seemed like the sun was finally coming out so I need to hurry and try to shrink myself.

I decide to try to make my urges smaller but still as strong as it was so I could contain it. After a while it decided to calm down and I could feel myself shrinking until I felt normal. I could definitely feel the power increase but I could barely contain it because I feel pissed off for no reason. I could barely control my anger and I feel like I'm going to lash out at any second, killing everything.

I meditate to attempt to possibly calm myself down and be able to use this power to my advantage. I simply try to think about the things I could do with all of this power, maybe I can overcome frieza and be able to take the throne for myself. If I can even be close to be able to eliminate him I would have to train as much as I can. After a while of meditating I was able to subdue the anger and begin training my combat.

Every time I throw a punch or a kick it's like I automatically adapt into a perfect stance and I'm autocorrecting my mistakes. I grin thinking about obliterating everything around me and having nobody stopping me. For some reason I have a urge to kill and it's been growing for a while. Maybe it's because I've been by myself for so long that I'm going crazy. Being in this state for so long has me tired so I go back into base form for a while and meditate again.

I have to be harder on myself to be able to live in this world. Maybe I should train the max power to have a backup in case I don't have energy for my Ikari form. I could also make my own moves so I can have more things in my Arsenal to use on my enemies. I want to start on my skill set first so I think to myself on things I could do with ki. Maybe I could do what goku black did and make a ki blade to be able to finish fights faster.

I figure out how to do it in around 15 minutes by making a little bit of ki on my hand sharp enough to be able to slice through objects like butter. Another thing I've been thinking about is a beam attack. I want it to be a one handed quick attack to push someone back. I pull out my hand and begin to charge an attack, feeling the flow of powerful ki waiting to be released and after a couple of seconds, I release the beam. A big dark line of ki flows out of my hand in front of me, obliterateing everything in its way.

After seeing that cool attack I gotten even more motivated and went into my strongest version of max power. Feeling the strain from how heavy I am, I begin to train and throw punches to be able to get used to it and learn from how slow I throw my punches. After a couple of hours I begin to think how how strong I am compared to other beings around me. I come up to something very petty and life threatening to everything on this planet, the only way I would do it is if I'm not on it or it would be completely suicide. I finish up on training but I stay in the max power form and begin to travel back to my ship.

A while later I arrive back by my ship to continue this idea, I was thinking about how I am gonna do it and after a while I finally decided. I go into a lover level of max power and then charge into ikari. After I while, I was ready to try this fantastic idea of mine. I charge a petite ball and put it on the ground then began to put all of my ki into this ball. I from my reserves going low and constantly replenishing while my ki becomes denser and stronger. After about i minute I felt like I was ready to leave.

I get into my ship and fly outside of orbit enough to where I can be safe but still see the planet. As I got closer to the window I raise my hand and ball it up as if I'm crushing something and I say "boom". As soon as I did that the planet completely obliterated into nothingness, I was absolutely dumbfounded and surprised that I could be able to do that. For some reason I started crying in laughter for no reason and realized that for some reason I couldn't care for anything on the planet. I passed by that though as I really didn't care and I thought to myself. Is it possible to be able to beat frieza now?