Taking over

I don't even have a reason to beat frieza for now so I will just let him wreak havoc and have canon do the dirty work for me. From what I'm seeing on my hud I'm not even close to frieza's controlled area so I'm in unknown grounds right now.

I have no idea what's in this area so the best thing to do is take this for myself and by the time he knows that I have taken control he would either be dead or I would be strong enough to decimate him. I laugh at the possibilities of making the strongest person in the universe my little bitch.

My first goal is to be able to take a planet for myself but I don't want to be noticed by the big boys so I have to make a disguise to not get myself killed, not that anyone can kill me anyways. I go into the wardrobe of the biggest room and find some clothes, out of those clothes I see a mask and a large cloak... how convenient. I place the clothes on the bed and go back to the cockpit to make the ship travel to the nearest planet that has intelligent life and breathable oxygen by my standards.

It said it would take about a day and a half so I decide to go into the training room and train my ikari form. Maybe I could evolve it to make it like broly's and make myself cool and muscular. Maybe while I Take over the planet I could get a female to take with me, maybe I could form my own crew one piece style.

After a while of training I go to make myself something to eat, I make a nice light meal consisting of 2 pots of macaroni and 5 packs of fried chicken. After that I go to lay down and think about how cool this is. I see why frieza wanted to be the galactic emperor.

The next day I wake up and make some breakfast then train for a bit, the ki blade is definitely going to be useful for my plan and I plants go through with it at 110% efficiency. A couple hours passed and I could see that I'm right outside of orbit and it seemed pretty big and most likely will have many goodies. I tel yeh ship to stop for now and I go into the room to put my clothes on.

After I finished I commanded the ship to land in a non populated location and I take it from there. As soon as I land I fly as fast as I can to a city to do what I came to do. As soon as I got to the city I charged a big blast and destroy a couple of buildings, laughing in excitement I charge my beam that I now call crisis beam considering these people are in a crisis, pretty funny if you ask me.

I release the crisis beam causing massive destruction in the whole area. Just as I'm having fun I sense that I couldn't see anyone else alive and that made me kinda sad that they died so easy, such weaklings. I decide to look around in the city for anything worthwhile good thing I brought a bag because I found some currency and also found some extra food that I could keep.

After all of that I go to another city and kinda do the same but spice it up a bit and go down there and kill them myself. It's so fun to do it for no reason and I'm not having any second thoughts about it. Just as I finish somebody off after they speak some random gibberish, I sense 2 large power energies locking into my location. I spark in excitement of the danger and decide to meet them halfway while readying my ki blade to kill them. I'm coming at the fastest speed I can go and I pass by them while slicing one of them in the arm, cutting it off.

They scream in pain and the other one charges me looking angry and screaming in whatever trash language they talk in. He throws a punch and I catch it easily, retaliating in a stab to the gut and slicing it down kind of cutting him in half. I throw him down and in excitement I dash to the other and cleanly slice his head off.

That fight was boring and I honestly think that was the strongest forces on the planet so I fly back to the ship and do the same thing I did yesterday. While dissatisfied, I did sort of have fun and I don't think this planet will be useful to me. I charge up what I now call planetary combustion and leave the planet, as soon as I leave the orbit I activate the ball and it explodes in front of my eyes, man I don't think I will get used to this feeling of absolute triumph.

Next plan is to go to another planet but in another solar system and it says I will take around a week to get the the strongest power level planet and I have a feeling that It will actually have somewhat of a challenging foe. I undress into my underwear and meditate for a bit to reinforce my ki and increase my reserves so that I won't have to worry about running out of energy.

You know, after a while of just constantly training and eating and doing the same thing over and over it gets repetitive and boring, when am I gonna arrive because I clearly need some action in my life. I investigate around the ship and I find out that they actually have a tv so I just decided to watch that until I arrive. I checked in the cockpit and it said I will arrive in around 35 minutes.

I take a quick shower and put on the cool clothes so that I can be ready and just immediately get to action when I land. Hopefully they can possibly give me a challenge so that I can actually grow in combat skills, I'm getting excited just thinking about all of the bloodshed that's gonna happen.