
'How is this fucker not dead? I literally sliced his jugular and he's powering up? No way they think they can beat me.' Brian thinks while laughing to himself.

Once the first alien powered up fully it almost matched his 'This dude really thinks he can compare to me.' As he charges toward him he back up to a safe distance from the other two and wait for him to come close

'I'll show you what happens to people who think they can compare to me' The alien throws mindless punches out of rage while Bryan dodges almost all of them, one hitting him in the jaw and the other grazing his cheek he almost got hit with a few more but he grabbed his hands and pushed him away.

Before the alien could recover he throw a quick jab to its forehead and follows with a hook, knocking it off balance. Before it could recover he kicks it fiercely in the stomach knocking the alien to the ground.

'Pshh this guy is too easy no way he thought he could solo this' he charges up a crisis beam, fires, and promptly eradicate the trash from existence "I can do this all day man" Brian boasts to the other two aliens.

Even though they don't know what he's saying, they can still feel the intention behind his words.

Out of rage they both charge at him the fist one attempting to do a flying roundhouse kick which is immediately dodged. 'These guys need to calm their ass down' Brian thinks.

Ignoring the first alien he clashes with the second one, trading hits back to back and once the first alien recovered he also joined in to try to punch him down.

He managed to dodge the first Alien's punches but these two were actually almost hitting him. 'Fuckers got team coordination I can't let them get me too much', He dodge the second alien's punch and before he was able to react Brian hit him in the liver while smiling. He didn't expect for him to just dodge like that.

Before the alien can even process that punch the second alien was wailing at him not even letting him get a few punches on his teammate. 'This shit is starting to piss me off, every time I do something they act first they think they're better than me' the alien is smirking at each other while throwing hits and saying things in his shitty language.

That throws Brian off the edge as a dark aura starts slipping from him as both are attacking him. He pulls out his ki blade and began slicing at them because they think they just team up on him and win so simply. Most of the slices are connecting but what they didn't expect Brian to do is use hand to hand combat.

'Even though I'm enraged I'm intelligent enough to use my brain.' While slicing they try to back up and stay passive aggressive so while they back up he sends ki to his left hand and begin to zip towards the weakest alien. He was going so fast it looked like he was teleporting so the alien didn't expect him to bombard him with a punch to his face and a ki blade in his gut. He dispel his ki blade and start wailing on him more, But Brian wasn't finished.

He jumped as high as ge can and began flying while charging a small ball. 'No way am I risking my life on some trash that wasn't even mentioned in dragon ball.' He puts a small amount of energy in the ball and send it flying towards the aliens, while that's happening he fly a short distance away to see the fireworks.

Once they realized his plan they started to attempt to follow be but before they could even move 6 feet the explosion already went off, decimating everything in a 50 meter radius.

He powers out of his forms, slightly winded from the power decrease and the damage he took and begin to loot the aliens then eventually to fly back to his spaceship before others arrive.

Unfortunately for him it was too late for smart choices because one more arrived as he was leaving. 'What the hell I didn't even sense this guy coming.' Brian was somewhat alarmed by the alien because he seemed more mature and stronger than the others he fought.

As the the alien stares him down he starts grinning 'no way this no name could even put a scratch on me even in my base hahahha.' "Hm, guess I'll attack first huh no name? Not like you would ever thrive in the future" Brian says in pure confidence.

He z vanish in front of the alien aiming a devious straight towards his eye. But what he didn't expect to happen is the alien blocking his punch no effort while Shockwaves from the punch affected everything in the surrounded area

Brian got cold shivers down his spine and immediately tried to send a kick to the side of his head also being blocked sending leaves into the wind from the pure power being executed.

Being in a bad position the alien countered grabbing Brian and slamming him to the ground. He begins sending back to back punches into Brian, when the mask started to crack dark ki began to flow out his body and he began to block the alien punches and eventually dodge and counter him with a jab knocking the alien back.

The dark ki dissipates as he comes back to reality from being winded by those punches 'This dude really has power in those, I don't even know how I'm standing right now. Can I even beat him in base?'

All of those thoughts don't matter right now especially sense the strong opponent is just staring trying to read him. He can't just think and have his guard down, but he can't outright attack him because of the size and power difference.

'Fuck, seems like I truly underestimated the dragon ball universe huh?' The mature alien decided to be on the offense z vanishing towards Brian. Seeing what he was doing Brian watched closely waiting for the alien to attack because he can't afford to be hit by the guy.

'Now!' He successfully weaves the punch and ducks under another one to send a amazing hook towards its supposed liver. Not giving the fodder a breath he charges a small blast and slaps it on the alien, exploding and knocking it back while giving Brian space.

Brian sends ki blasts to throw it off and while the smoke is still there he launches himself towards the alien and charges up another blast to give to it as a present.

But the alien seen that coming and had a punch ready to send to his face

As Brian launches through the smoke he gets decked in the face knocking him into the nearest tree.