Playtime is over

'Damn I feel like shit' Brian wakes up leaning against a tree, his brain feels like mush from that punch previously. Why did he do that stupid shit he thinks to himself, 'That's plot Armour type moves and I guess I'm not the main character.'

He gets up and sees the vaguely humanoid being still staring at him with their arms crossed waiting for Brian to recover and attack. But instead of mindlessly charging he powers into stage 2 of max power, gaining a significant muscle size up and nice ego boost considering the little zenkai boost.

Dark purple ki fluctuates from his person with some sights of lightning appearing in his aura as if it's speaking power in his form. Now that he's ready the alien gets into its fight stance with Brian following.

Both of them lunge forward and they clash fists together, the amount of ki and strength from that clash creates a sound that broke the sound barrier. Once the clash conceided they both created space respectively, alien choosing to be on offense goes in for another hit aiming towards Brians face.

Of course Brian seen that from a mile away and slightly leaned to the left pushing the aliens arm forward and lead it into a mean right hook to the corplex, stunned Brian swipes it's feet and connects another hook to its gut. 'Dumb bitch that's what you get for that move earlier' Brian thinks to himself as he sends a left hook to its head then a small ki blast to knock it back.

Seeing how he got the upper hand he decide to let the alien recover from that barrage of hits. But like Brian it uses that time to power up even more surprising him as he thought he was the one with more power 'looks like this ain't goin be that easy'.

The alien wanting to get revenge from the hits earlier charges towards him again throwing multiple punches seemingly faster and stronger than before but Brian is still somewhat avoiding them because this form makes him a little slower but more agile in a sense.

The alien sends a strong kick towards his body and he has no choice but to block it pushing him back far into a tree and almost making him trip. Not wanting that to happen again he flies into the air and shoots ki blast towards the alien as if he's taunting him. A flash is seen through the trees as the alien flies like a bullet towards Brian making him go on the defense and block as the Shockwave knocks him back a little.

Seeing that little opening the alien sends a punch through Brians defenses making him more prone to the aliens offense. After taking more hits Brian blocks a left and ducks under the right then moves to the right sending a kick to the back of the alien then a sledgehammer to the top of its head knocking it down to the grown making a huge crater.

'I can kill the little fucker right now but if he's still kicking that mean I can still fight em, I need all the punching bags I can use till I get to frieza.' He waits for the alien to get back up while crossing his arms like the alien once did to him. After a while it begins to ascent to Brian until they reached the same height, both looking at each other in the eyes one with respect, and the other one seeing them only as a stepping stone.

They continue this until the alien begins to power up again fully shaking the surroundings from the sheer power coming from his body making Brians eyes almost pop out. 'No fucking way this motherfucker is so strong, why were the others so weak compared to this guy'

'Could I even handle this in this form only?'

He couldn't afford to overthink here so he decided to power up with the alien both releasing their power so they can go all out against each other. Once their auras and shaking subsided they were ready again to fight once and for all, only one warrior was making it out alive.

Brian wanting to get the fight over with to sleep z vanished towards the alien while the alien was defensive. He went for a punch but faked it and the alien fell for it attempting to block but Brian side stepped and did another kick to its back and did a side flip to kick to its head which by surprise it blocked though sending it back a little.

He didn't stop there as he kept trying to kick the alien to break its defenses and lower its stamina. Every time the kicks seem to get a miniscule amount stronger and it was building up against the alien, forcing it to attack. But Brian was waiting for this, as soon as the alien threw out a punch he weaved to the right and jabbed the alien in the chin, knocking it back.

'Seems like playtime is over, I'll finish this!'

Brian forms a black ki blade while a grin forms in his face "You were fun but you're becoming predicable and boring. Time for you to rest now." The alien feeling the tone in his voice knew that it was all or nothing now.

Alien on offense decides to send a barrage of kicks towards Brian to knock him back but he got used to the aliens fighting style, z vanished behind it and stabbed it in the heart before the fight could get any worse.

No way was he risking his life any more by keeping the fucker alive. Sensing that no more high signatures was nearby he began to fly towards his spaceship


Finally back in the spaceship he programs it to go to the moon orbiting the planet to have a safe spot to rest. Turning on invisible clock function for the ship Brian goes immediately to sleep as he was too tired to move from over exerting himself.

Finally when he woke up he decided to cook a extremely large bowl of spaghetti and a tray of garlic bread. "Ahh a nice meal after taking over planets." Rubbing his hands together he begins to dig into his food.

While eating he begins planning for the future, what will he do now? He's not strong enough to take frieza hell, he was having a problem with goons from a random planet. 'I need to really start to focus on training to keep up with the cast, although I'm the strongest out of the z fighters that's not a good feat.' especially since the goku he fought was weak and he didn't see Gohan anywhere indicating z haven't started.

The best time to meet the z fighters is after namek saga so that the basic story goes to plan, everything else is free game. But that doesn't change the fact that he has to train and fight relentlessly to be able to keep up with goku and vegeta down the line.

Finally finishing the meal Brian decides to watch TV for a while until his body finish healing his torn muscles together. He practices his ki control and stability to better understand the energy as a whole.

He then proceeds to hit the gravity chamber and shadow spar the alien from the planet he's taking over trying to get used to fast punches and counters.