Rest in piss

For the past couple of weeks Brian has been cooped up in the spaceship doing nothing but training, eating, and watching TV. He would've went back to the planet but he wanted to be prepared just in case another incident occurred.

Knowing that the only reason he's alive right now is because of his knowledge of bailout transformations saving his ass, it really motivated him to improving his base form. From his mental combat training constantly sparring with the alien, he concluded that he could defeat it in his base form and even be able to put up a nice fight against two before having to use max power stage two.

'Even though I've grown stronger, this isn't enough for the things I have to do in the future. With this power I probably can't even beat nappa without having a problem.'

'Fuck base form I'm a saiyan now I'm meant to transform either way, might as well embrace it'

Finally getting his ideas together Brian goes to the gravity chamber, powers up into stage one max power and turn it up to 35 times gravity immediately feeling his muscles be strained against the transformation and the gravity.

'Fuck this shit hurts more than I thought i cant even think' After a while of horrendous pain he decides to put it on 10 times gravity until his body adapts to the muscle up form.

'Yeah I can definitely get used to this. I can feel my power building up as I move around.' Shortly after he begins to do his regular workout regiment while his body adapts to the extreme pressure put on them becoming stronger and stronger.

'Can't let this power get to my head or it's gonna be a bad day for everybody, I practically feel untouchable now' Brian chuckles to himself after the workout, feeling sore as if he ran 5 marathons consecutively.

Going to the kitchen to make another meal he thinks of what other moves he can put in his arsenal, although crisis beam is good and all it isn't really flashy. 'Maybe when I finish the planet takeover I can use it as a personal training grounds so I can really let loose. I don't think I ever went completely all out yet.'

That thought made Brian laugh out loud knowing that going all out will activate some of that saiyan plot Armour benefiting him for the better. 'Next person I go up against won't have a good time.'

After enjoying his meal he decides to go back in the gravity chamber to meditate in Max Power stage 2 while in 15 times gravity.

- - - - The Next day - - - -

'Damn no way did I fall asleep in the chamber, I don't even remember drifting off.'

After the dumb realization he hops in the shower and puts on a black muscle shirt with baggy black pants and red shoes. He isn't really expecting there to be any strong people on the planet because they would have came to help out their little friend that he turned to ash.

Shaking off the thoughts he sets the ship location to the planet. 'Yknow I wonder why the ship doesn't show the name for this planet?' He asks to himself while he walks back to the kitchen to have a snack before he landed.

Finally getting to the planet he walks out the ship smelling the fresh oxygen and plants. After admiring the atmosphere he starts sensing his surroundings, being in the forest area he has to look kind of far.

Finally finding a lot of signatures in one place he begins flying, shooting through the sky at Mach speed breaking the sound barrier

'Fuck that suits loud and annoying I need to stop doing that'

Once he arrived to the ki signatures it seemed to be a little city that was heavily populated and alive, 'At least they aren't barbarians huh?'

'Rest in piss green bastards.' Brian fires multiple ki blasts and crisis beams towards the city, demolishing the surrounding area ensuing havic.

Laughing manically from having too much fun he is interrupted by some power levels in the somewhat demolished city powering up, some being close to his power level.

*"Tsk, Bitches ruined the fuckin vibe. You should all be FUCKING DEAD"

Now angry that more can still compare to him he decide to meet the little rats early. Seeming like he teleported to the little bug, Brian puts a medium sized blast in his hand and puts it in the aliens face activating it.


The blast goes off maybe a little too well as it creates a loud explosion causing Brian to be knocked back from his attack. 'Shit better than I thought, maybe I should tone down the ki usage on that.' After getting up he sees 3 aliens all the same but different sizes staring at him trying to assess the situation.

"Fuck yall lookin at" Brian spouts while z vanishing to one ki blade in hand and cleanly slicing it's head off with its body standing still in the spot it was. The other two were completely stunned not expecting him to kill their companion that easily.

"@#$%&*#. &%$#%%$!" The aliens exclaims in anger.

"I don't give a fuck bruh stop talkin." Brian responds as he charges to the shorter alien. He sends a kick to it that they block, seeing that he dashes forward slicing towards the alien while they are dodging for their life.

The taller one coming out of its daze begins to charge a beam to get Brian away from the shorter one. Sensing the ki influx Brian uses his left hand to fire a smaller life flash to the shorter alien knocking it back so he can face the second one.

The tall alien releases the beam but Brian easily dodges out the way in preparation. He then sends a crisis beam to the tall alien knocking out of his attack leaving it on the ground winded.

Seeing that Brian focuses back on the short alien that used the diversion as a chance to get close, the alien punches Brian in the face knocking him off balance as he didn't see it coming. The alien sends another successful punch before Brian caught his arm and sliced it right off.

"@&@^%@%!!!" The alien screams in agony.

"Yeah that's right cry like a little bitch."

Brian sends I clean kick to the alien but the taller alien fires a ki blast to Brian before he can let loose on the short one. Looking back towards the alien thinking it was close it gave the other alien enough time to punch Brian again.

'Fuck! I hate this teaming shit It's so annoying.' The short alien tries to send another punch but Brian dodges that one immediately countering with a stab to the heart, killing the short alien.

Sensing the taller alien coming closer he also sense others of its kind of all different power levels thst were stronger than him coming very soon, Brian decides to not play with the alien as he got bigger fish to catch. Not even giving the tall alien a chance to think he stabs the fool killing it swiftly.

Brian then goes in the air to power up, not in his base for but this ichy feeling of power wanting to be let out. To be honest it was starting to get to him the last couple of weeks that it was going to eventually get out to control and seeing that this is a life or death situation once again, he decides to let loose.

As he's letting his power flow out he begins to yell from the influx because it even began to hurt his body from the power.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Brian screams loudly as dark purple ki with hints of red and green begin to flow from his body creating long and thunderous streaks of lightning, making it seem like it was a deadly thunderstorm going on at that very moment.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!" Brian exclaims as the power up was reaching its conclusion he felt like he was having a breakthrough as if he's going super saiyan but not.

Finally reaching its conclusion the aura dissipates creating shockwaves as lightning sparks off his body even though his body feels like it's normal weight.

'Damn I don't think this shit was in the script, don't even think saiyans can achieve this transformation.' He looks at his arms observing the lightning coming off his body as if he's reached super saiyan 2.