Testing the waters

'This is the strongest I've ever felt, this power feels amazing.' Seeming like Brian didn't jus massacre almost an entire city, he stares at the lightning bolts trickling around his body in awe.

"Finally getting to there in the power ranks man this form is gonna change the whole game." Brian says out loud in amazement to himself. Although he was in his own world he can sense that the small flock of aliens were nearby.

'Perfet timing, let's see how good this power up is.' Snapping out of his trance Brian immediately blitz towards an alien and holds out a punch to collide into it with. As if it wasn't there the punch goes straight through it's head while blood splatter all over the area and on his clothes. 'Fuck that shits disgusting, I didn't know he was that weak!'

2 aliens seen that altercation and began firing ki blasts at him but it was like throwing rocks to him at this point. Not even moving he just let it hit him while they all gather to attempt to defeat him. Brian instantly gets to work and rushes towards one and kicks it in in it's gut, most likely breaking a few bones.

While the alien in falling down he sends a beam right through it's heart killing it instantly. The second alien attempts to punch Brian but as if time is in slow motion, he swiftly dodges to the left a slight margin and turns his body to put a hand on the aliens gut, using a life flash and blasting it away.

As soon as he sends the alien to hell its reinforcements come to help. Seeing that they can't beat him solo or even in pairs they begin to try to team up on him as they start throwing punches simultaneously, clashing against eachother.

Brian constantly has to back up from multiple of them as he tries to grasp the situation, although they are teaming they are barely landing anything notable and he is only becoming better with each punch thrown. He could really end this altercation at any moment but he counts this as real life training, similar to sparring with your companion in boxing.

'Although this is fun I need to cut the numbers off before this gets out of hand.' Brian throws a jab to an aliens face breaking its nose but before he can follow up on it another one comes out of nowhere and sledgehammer him which he blocks at the last second. Guess what? Another sends a ki beam towards him as he's blocking so he decides to grab the alien that sledgehammered him and trade places essentially making it's teammate kill him.

Brian builds a cold sweat realizing that all this relentless fighting really taxed his ki so he decides to take out the ki blade to cut off the numbers. Starting off strong he flies towards the weakest which seemed to be the one that fired the ki blast and cleanly slices off its head before it can even react. Without thinking he fires a ki blast into the aliens head that was rushing after him and slices off another aliens head clean off.

He fights the remaining aliens for a while before eventually getting more tired and just killing them. Afterwards Brian powers down and then realized how much ki it takes to keep that form because he almost falls down from the drainage. 'Shit I wanna go take a nap now, killing fodder really take the energy out of you.' Brian thinks to himself

At that moment he senses a strong force approaching him st Mach speed. "FUCK man how many of them fuckers I gotta fight today?" Zoning in on the ki presence he realized he might not have enough energy for this fight. 'Hopefully I don't fuck this one up. Wait I forgot what race I was haha this gonna be lightwork.'

He has a gut feeling to just leave but the saiyan in him practically refused to back down from this beatdown, I mean fight. After a short while he feels the energy enter the city and come to a stop to most likely assess the situation at hand. He Flys towards the signature and looks the the alien below, the power coming off of it was amazing and seeing the massacre around it most likely makes it's blood boil.

'Hmm I might have to take big bang attack vegeta, the opportunity to use it is too hard to pass up on.' While the alien is most likely grieving Brian is charging up a black ki ball in his hand building up the power in it to be devastating enough to at least weaken the fucker to his level.

After making the ball grow to the size of a basketball he sends it toward the fucker who was completely oblivious to the whole ordeal. Knowing that he used a decent amount a ki Brian hopes that the blast works to an extent. The blast connects to the ground near the alien and u could say that a smaller nagasaki just occurred right in it's face as everything in the city is decimated beyond repair, explosions and fire covering the incoming moonlight in red flames.

'Heh I knew you wouldn't die so easily lil fodder.' He thinks as the alien picks himself up and looks towards Brian In anguish knowing he was the one who caused the whole thing. Brian laughs as he powers into max stage 1 for the slight power boost, muscles flowing with power and muscle he powers up to let the ki really let loose. Electricity flows over his body as his aura dances, mocking the alien as he expresses his superiority.

Little did he know the alien does the same and powers up angrily ready to get revenge for its comrades. 'Lil bro think he goku.' Brian laughs to himself while the alien finishes powering up and attempt to blitz to him. Seeing the flying punch coming from a mile away he sidestep it while holding the aliens arm at the same time forming a ki blade and cutting it off in a nice swift cut, alien meatloaf arm ready to serve.

Not giving it a break he sends a hook deep into its back sending it flying forwards to the ground but it catches itself before it completely fell. Coming back for another attack it takes the situation slowly and they stare at each other for a bit. Brian starts smiling staring at the alien after seeing how angry it was with him.

With it seeing Brian not take this fight seriously it sends a strong punch towards Brian which he seen coming, so he sidestep it then backs up again predicting another punch coming his way. The alien sends a side kick which Brian catches, then he let's go and back away signaling the alien to try again.

They begin clashing together for a bit with Brian showing the distance in power as he hits the alien with a gut punch winding it. He then sends a sledgehammer to the top of its head sending it to the debris. 'I need to learn more moves that could get them away from me if need be.'

As he thinks to himself while waiting for the fodders next move he begin feeling the aliens ki rising, paying attention again he looks down and sees it's red aura growing bigger. 'Hopefully I got enough energy for this fight.' Brian smiles waiting while the aliens aura calm down to reveal it's power was close to his.

It begins flying g up from the spot it landed from and once it reached eye level with Brian, it z vanishes towards him at extremely fast speeds. Brian begins to block the constant punches that the alien throws, even trying to throw in kicks because it only has 1 arm.

Brian isn't even able to get off the defense right now and is becoming overwhelmed and frustrated. He starts getting angry and charges up ki and puts a warrior around himself.

"Almighty push!" He yells, knocking the alien away from the loud explosing that occured. Finally getting a break he focuses on where the fucker flew to and locks on to it. 'Damn, I didn't expect that to take so much energy. Is it better fighting it in base form and using techniques?.'

Brian powers down into base and feeling somewhat lighter but sore he and the alien flies towards each other at light speed throwing their arms out for a punch. At the last second Broan dodges to the left and sends a life flash to the aliens head, having it clash down to the ground again

Wanting to end the fight he charges up and gets ready to try out a new move once again. He holds his right arm with his left and puts his right palm out and begins charging a ki blast.

"Super crisis beam!"

Good thing he held his arm because the recoil from this move is insane, sending it towards the alien the purple and black beam consumes it and the surrounding area decimating the whole location into complete ruins.

Seeing that the job is finally done Brian heads back to the ship to take a well deserves shower and sleep.