4 years later

'Yep, I'm still living off of this planet. Shit has unlimited resources but how long can I even live off of this shit?'

Brian always asked himself this throughout the years but then again it's rather a smart move if you can use an entire species civilizations resources to yourself.

For the past couple years he made a home made cave on the side of a inconspicuous mountain to keep his space ship in. He killed off any surrounding life and gathered their food and resources for himself. Spending his days secluded and constantly training to upgrade from fodder to at least mid namek level.

Most days he's spent his time in his gravity chamber meditating or fighting under intense strain to his body in his base form. Always training improved his abilities beyond even his expectations, not even knowing his current power level.

But fighting the species on the planet got easier and easier the more he went out and deliberately fought them. Some of the civilizations even tried to team together to fight him but that was a year into being there, already gaining vast power throught his vigorous training and isolation.

He also has various transformations that can increase his powers leaps and bounds, by various it's it's only 3.

Max power stage 1, 2, and his very own transformation that only his body can do. He feels like it was connected to that interaction with the z fighters but he don't really care because he needs anything he can get right now. He calls it Ultimate Saiyan Mode, mainly because he feels like he can beat anybody in that form that comes his way.

In the present time Brian is training in his gravity chamber, deciding to himself to train a little extra today to practice in all his forms to practice his stamina and master the forms perfectly. He still haven't find a way to maybe breakthrough to an Ultimate Saiyan 2 but he has mastered the first. Max power is a amazing form to have at his disposal and he makes sure to train it to his fullest extent in preparation for fights.

Brian always mental trains almost like doing yardrat training simply to also master ki control because he knows having the leverage over the opponent at any feat can make his life way easier so he don't die.

Before he can even think of dying he has to make connections with the z fighters to get the dragon balls again under good terms with them instead of outright stealing them. They really had to understand he needed that head start bad though.

'Hmm Majin buu regeneration don't sound bad to have so I can basically have immortality. Maybe even perception to I can predict every hit thrown way more than I already do so then i wouldn't need ultra instinct. Maybe even infinite ki reserves is a good idea.' Brian thinks to himself while throwing flurry of kicks and punches to the air in 200 times gravity in his US form.

As it being his last form to workout in he's getting kind of drained and needs to occupy his mind since he doesn't have earphones to listen to music with. If anything he's blessed that he can live off a planet with no repercussions at all because he's infinitely stronger than the remaining aliens there.

Although he killed off the majority, he left some so they can develop on their own so that he still has a source of things flowing.

After a while he decides to power back into base and jus lay on the floor still in 200 times gravity, being too tired to get up and turn it off. He eventually gets up after 10 minutes and turn it off then goes to shower. After that going to the kitchen and getting 5 pre-made meals to eat before he hit the hay.

He watches TV for 3 minutes before falling asleep from being extremely exhausted.

-------- 3 days later ----------

That's how long it took for Brian to wake back up but it was not for no reason because when he raised he felt slightly stronger from that vigorous training session, definitely being the hardest he trained.

After getting up, brushing his teeth getting dressed in nice Armour then eating. Deciding to go to train against a civilization for the first tune after a while he walks out of his cave and immediately begins flying.


Brian couldn't believe his fucking eyes right now, from his distance he can see branches and big ass leafs of the tree of fucking might right above him. "How the hell did turles find this planet? And the one time I train my ass off to fuckin boot!" Brian is pissed that this fodder jus came to fuck up his plans.

No way can he live off this plant now, it has to go because no one can find this tree. Brain begins soring towards the tree of might going to high signatures he can sense miles away. The tree of might was waaaay bigger than he thought.

It took 10 minutes to even get close and he sensed a couple of the signatures dying out, are those fuckers fighting with the civilizations? He lowers his power level so he wouldn't be sensed as he Flys toward them. To his expectations he sees 5 aliens in saiyan Armour having a nice battle with a small group of aliens from this planet.

'This must be by a city, maybe they thought it was my doing at first' Brian thinks as he see one of the fuckers retreating to the opposite direction. 'Well, none of my business. Time to reap the profits of this tree'

Heading upwards to the branches he senses a strong powerlevel coming towards his direction and it was almost as strong as his, making him confused on where it came from.

Having his power level almost completely suppressed he carries on looking for a fruit.

After a while of looking he finds a hole in the tree and goes into it still searching for the cheat fruit. Not finding it he senses the power level eventually coming into the cave to confront him so he prepares for a potential fight.

Letting him get closer he eventually arrives and Brian turn around to see, Turles... Holding a fruit from the tree of might???

"Looking for this? Sorry to say but you missed a spot while looking." Turles says

Analyzing turles Brian heart drops from the sight of the fruit being in his hand practically showing it off to him.

"And your a saiyan too huh? Maybe you can join me to rule the universe how about that huh?"

"I'd rather not be someone's dog that has to fight an army while their leader watches" Brian replies, chuckling at the thought of that.

"You wouldn't be a dog, more like a right hand man. Besides that's the only way you can make it out of this alive ."

Not even replying Brian reveals most his power level which triggers his scouter. Taking the bait he reacts and reads the thing. "20,000? You're stronger than you-"


Brian z-vanished, sending a hook deep in Turles's gut making him drop the fruit which Brian catches. He then puts his hand in turles face launching a life flash to stun him and give him space.

"Oh how the tables turned huh?" Brian says as he takes a bite of the fruit, and then another bite, and then another bite practically getting high from the amount of power entering his body as it pumps up to contain the power up.

The amount of strength Brian was feeling was impeccable and him getting it for free made it feel even better. Turles practically hand delivered him the fruit like a doordash driver.

"Heh, if you surrender now I might spare you. No amount of struggle can defeat me now so fighting is futile." Brian says to turles.

Turles flinches at his words, knowing that there was most likely nothing he can do here.