CHAPTER 265: Just Like You

News of her losing her memories spread towards the people with them.

And finding out about it made them guiltier.

They really pushed her to the point of even she had lost her memories.

Elizabeth heard about it from Gwen and she didn't know just what she was supposed to do.

She knew she needed to apologize but the more she thinks about it the more difficult it is for her to do so.

Having thought over Saphira's words, Elizabeth knew she was seriously the one in the wrong.

Just what right did she have to try and use her weakness to get Hunter's attention?

She knew of the identity of these two but she chose to try and get in the way.

She knew she was weak, even without her memories she knew she was but a weakling, a coward.

'If ever you remember everything and that what I'm thinking is the person you are. I wish you would change, I genuinely do so even though I never really interacted with you. Because you also need to become stronger just so you could depend on yourself and not rely too much on others.'

Saphira's words once again reverberated in her head.

She sighed and buried her head on her arms.

They are just resting for a bit after they have started travelling.

This time, she chose to be alone, leaving Gwen to watch over her surrounding.

She didn't eevn try to approach any of the eight of them, she felt like she was unworthy of getting close to them now.

She looked up when she felt someone standing in front of her.

It was Ridge.

"Can I sit beside you?"

She slowly nodded her head.

"You are aware right? The reason why Hunter stick close to you?" Ridge started as soon as he sat down.

She once again slowly nodded her head.

Ridge breathed when the wind blew, he looked towards the direction where Saphira was sitting while leaning on a tree and beside the tree was Hunter, standing up leaning on it as well.

Both of them looked so peaceful but if one were to look closer, Hunter was standing with a lonely aura.

"Just like you, he had been blaming himself for everything that was going on," he started.

Elizabeth looked towards the direction he was looking at.

"Our group was just like what she had said, we carry so much. Things not even adults would carry in their lives. But we couldn't complain, not that we have no complaints but because it was ingrained in our minds and body that this is what we were supposed to do."

Elizabeth listened but she couldn't understand why Ridge was speaking the same words as Saphira.

"We never got the chance to voice out what we want or what we feel. We feel like we should not do it at all. But she was able to do it..."

He returned his look towards Elizabeth, his purple eyes showing gratitude.

"Normally people wouldn't thank the person who hurt those important to them but I want to thank you."

She shook her head, "I..."

"Of course I am not thanking you for hurting her. But instead I am thank you for being the trigger in letting her bring everything out."

She stared at him blankly, still not understanding what he was suddenly being grateful about.

Ridge smiled before removing his glasses and wiping it.

"Saphira had a psychological barrier ever since we were eight, something we all are unaware of adn only found out now. She couldn't cry, not even a single tear no matter how painful it is that she was feeling."

Elizabeth was utterly shock upon hearing this.

"People tend to think that she was strong because she wouldn't cry but knowing this now..." he chuckled bitterly.

"She must have wanted to cry for so many times but she couldn't. She couldn't bring out any of those painful emotions and that is where my gratitude for you is coming from."

It is not that he was grateful Saphira was hurt but instead he was grateful she could finally cry and bring out all her grievances.

"That is why even though you have hurt her whether intentional or not, not just me but the rest of us are grateful for your appearance."

Elizabeth shook her head, "I am unworthy of such. I may have been the trigger now but there might be more ways or other people who could have done it."

Ridge nodded his head, "Yes but this time it was you. You were the one who appeared to bring out so many things about the past that we were trying to runaway from."

She blinked while he smiled.

"I already told you we weren't strong, each of us are trying to runaway from something in the past. And as a person, I'd rather thank those people who came and had a negative impact but would give a positive result than no one coming to help us at all."

"But she..."

Ridge nodded understanding what she was trying to imply.

"She has indeed lost her memory but we don't think she had done it for the sole purpose of running away. Sapira was too much of a responsible person that these kinds of things may seem like she had runaway but in reality she has another purpose."

"But what if she really was just tired, with the way she had cried the night before, what is she just really want to stay away?"

Finally Elizabeth asked, speaking the most words she had spoke ever since the night before.

Ridge smiled looking at Saphira.


Elizabeth looked at him in shock upon hearing the decisiveness in his voice.

"How can you be so sure?"

He resturned his eyes on her, "Because she has people she loves that she wanted to protect."

His smile was filled with warmth and pride as he spoke about Saphira.

"That is the core person she was beneath everything that we are seeing," he added.