CHAPTER 328: It Is Time Then

It was three days later before Saphira opened her eyes once again.

And when she did, a different glint had appeared within her eyes. There was also mock, something that instantly disappeared when her friends realized that she had woken up.

They were able to accomplish their goals a day after they sent Saphira their mana. After that, they chose to stay within their current training ground and wait for Saphira to open her eyes again.

"How do you feel?" Hunter asked her.

"Great actually, I never felt so light before. I mean, I can feel the power surging inside me," she exclaimed.

"As long as you are fine," he responded.

Saphira squinted her eyes and scrutinized her friends before her.

All of them seemed the same but when one were to look closely, one would see that they were all different inn their auras.

What was coursing threw them wasn't only their abilities alone, instead it has been multiplied.

That's right, the light mana she sent them, didn't add one and one together but instead it multiplied the power.

"I can see that you all are able to do what we were aiming for," she grinned.

They all smiled, "Of course, you may be stronger but we won't let you leave us behind. We were able to allow the powers to blend well together. We did try them out while we spar and wow, it truly was different."

Nixon was the one who spoke and even made some actions to show his excitement.

It was a feeling he never felt before.

A feeling of becoming truly stronger and the feeling that they can finally face the enemies without thinking whether they needed to support one another.

Of course, they will still, that was a given but now that they powered up, they can finally fight much better.

"That's right. Even our movements have improved. I mean not just our magical powers but even our physical power. The light ability, seriously is something else," Stormie excitedly followed suit.

"I am glad it worked out. We were able to strengthen ourselves a lot during this time."

All this time, it felt like a joke to them.

They had to fight either four against one or seven against one when it comes to those who are under Ardel, even towards his clone.

They were only able to catch the ohers off guard, which is how they killed one and injured the other.

But now, with all of this, they knew they wouldn't have to worry too much.

They are also being supported by the people of the empire so surely their upcoming battle would no longer be a dreaded one.

Of course, no one is happy about the impending war against the darkness but now they knew they can fight better.

"How about the beasts?"

They looked at one another before calling for their inborn beasts.

And when all eight appeared, Phoenix and Vermilion Bird included, the whole place felt majestic.

Even those who were close by, the guards and the ones in the palace could feel it.

Because the moment they called their beasts, their auras strengthened as well

"This is..." Reginald, who was having some tea with Felissa, abruptly stood up.

He walked towards the window that was facing the place where the eight of them are.

"Their auras surpasses all of the heads," Felissa commented next.

Reginald slowly laughed, "Amazing. Just how old are those young ones? To achieve such strength."

It was not only him who felt this way, the rest of the heads and clans were feeling the same way.

"They have grown. Truly grown," Asherton said.

"Indeed," Archie replied.

"Those children... no, they are now young adults. They have seriously surpassed every single ancestors of theirs."

They had heard of how strong the darkness was. Even saw a few things that left them devastated. They didn't expect that the darkness had strengthened itself to the point where they will feel dread towards the upcoming war.

But now, with what they are currently witnessing, they knew, they finally have hope.

Hope that not one of these eight will lose their lives in the final battle.

Yes, they were much more worried about the life of these eight than other things.

They worry for their people, yes.

They worry for their family, yes.

But these children, who grew up to become young adults, they fought hard enough. Battle everything, physical, emotional and even mental. They had experienced so much, not one of the adults wished for any of them to suffer death.

They wanted them to have a better happier life ahead of them once this battle is over.

After seeing everything, Saphira's smile turned wider and determination became more pronounced within her eyes.

They are ready.

They can do this.

They will be fine.

"It is time then," she said.

They nodded their heads and went into position, they know what she was referring to.

It was the reason they tried their best to become stronger faster. The reason she thought up of other ways to improve them.

It was to create the barrier around the land and the empire.

Though they still don't know why this was the case, why she chose to surround their empire with another barrier, but they know, she wouldn't suggest it unless she deems it necessary.

Felix approached Saphira, in turn she smiled.

"It's fine now Felix. Your mana is more than enough to suffice what the power of Vermilion Bird has."

Felix was shock but he was happy, he could be of more use now. He can help them more.

He can help the world more and he was able to take another step to protect his people.

He went to position adn each of them did as they usually do.

"First we will create the barrier around the whole land."

As she said this, she didn't wait and instantly started.

They can feel that the barrier this time around was once again stronger.

It was filled with life and it gave people more hope.

It wasn't long before they finished erecting the barrier. Despite the area pf the land being wider than the others, they were able to do it faster.