
With the kids at home, quietly doing their homework, she was free to do her thing which was watching movies. That seemed to be the only thing she had to take away her time.

She was now a bit okay though she had to admit that having traitor for a mother wasn't a good thing at all. It was even harder when the said mother admits to her crimes without batting an eye.

Rachael had decided to give up on the matter. She had made up her mind to stay out of it as much as she could after all it didn't concern her. This war was between two people that have become very distant from her.

Her brother whom she thought had died for over twenty years suddenly came back and claimed that her mother had planned to get him killed but he was eventually sold off as a slave.

She had to admit that she was dispirited when she heard about this and more so when he claimed that she was part of the elaborate plan to murder him. How could she be okay with that?