
They arrived home and went to sleep as they were very tired and drained. The next morning, Bryan woke up quite late and realised that Bernadette wasn't with him in bed. He pushed himself up from the bed and went to the kitchen and found her.

She had cooked last night and after they ate they crashed into the bed. It was a bit unfortunate that they had no energy to engage in any romantic stuff.

He circled his arm around her waist and said, "You got up so early."

"I know, right?" she smiled brightly at him and then added, "Wait in the sitting room and I will be ready in ten."

He kissed her cheek and left as she said. He sat with the remote in hand as he switched from channel to channel searching for interesting stuff. He had to while away time for the 'ten' minutes to pass.

Walter joined him later but they sat in silence for a while till Walter asked, "I have a favour I need to ask you. Would you help me out?"