The ball was one again thrown high in the sky, as the boys took their place on the opposite side of the net. 2
"We both need one player each, so you2 are ok with playing in a different team or you want one of us to shift and keep you in on2e team" he aske2d and Alex shook his head.
"Anything is fine, Bella go to that team" he ordered and Bella followed in his footsteps.
He showed her the posture and then the way the ball was thrown and caught in the volleyball while Bella looked at him and others attentively.
"Did you get it?" he asked and she nodded.
"Alright then let's start," he said as he threw the ball
Bella caught it and then threw it high. Everyone looked at the sky in wonder. As if the ball had suddenly grown wings. The ball soared higher and higher, with no mod of coming back.
"Wow, that was amazing,'; said a boy and others nodded.
They had never thought that a ball could go that high while playing volleyball.