jumping the wall

Alex was tired of all the argument, as in the end he still did not get anything. Even Bella did not listen to her these days, he walked out of the house, and looked back but she was not there, just then he felt the ball hitting him at the back.

The sun was almost setting, letting a red glow to the sky, and the ground was covered by its slight warmth. A boy around 15th peeked from the wall and sighed when he saw a young guy holding his ball.

"Hey brother, that ball is mine," said the boy to Alex.

Alex saw that the boy was standing on the wall nearby. Alex walked there, but instead of giving him the ball, he threw it in the air and it went to the other side.

"Thank you, big brother" the boy replied chuckling at Alex's antics. 

But Alex did something unexpected, he climbed the wall and jumped at the other side. The boy looked surprised and then chuckled again.

"I take it as you want to join our team," said the boy laughing and Alex nodded.