Eleanor pov:

As I woke up the next day, I looked at my self in the mirror to see that the bruise has gone. It surprised me but then I remembered some one entered my room, the Alpha himself.

I was quite surprised he even cared enough to put something on my bruise. Being an omega and having to control over my powers has made my healing powers weak

Looking out of the window, I look that the sun has just rise and emley was still asleep like a baby. I watched from the window that some of the pack members were training on the ground and decided to go and train as it has been a long time since I trained.

After changing I went downstairs to get an apple for breakfast and entered the training ground. Some pack members still looked at me in disgust as they still didnt accepted me , a"rougue".

One of the pack member came up to me "sorry but u can't train"

I was shocked "why not?"

"Because I don't think u are capable of that,being an omega"

I quirked an eyebrow in challenge "is that so? Let's see..."

I went to the ground where some of the girls were fighting... They looked up seeing me and smirked as though I wasn't going to win against him .

Time to show them, I smiled at my thought.

I choose the red headed girl and challenged her for a fight , the first one to back out wins.

She thought I was going to be an easy challenge... Let's see bitch

We started to circle each other. She was the first one to attack and tried to punch me in the face but I was fast and ducked. I looked around and saw we gained quite a lot of attention. She tried again to kick me in the rib but I blocked it, grabbed her leg and twisted it till she flipped on her back. She cried in pain

"Wanna back out?"

"No" she said

"OK" I released her and she stood up again. This time I made the first move and did a flip and landed behind her, twisted and kicked her legs making her fall face first on the ground.

I could see no one expected me to be able to fight like that. I didn't even fight like that to save myself when I was caught by them as I couldn't let them know everything about me. They would have punished me harder.

She then got up again, I then smelled a sweet smell, the smell of my mate. I turned around and saw him approaching us, to say he looked only good would be an understatement.

Taking advantage of my distraction , she punched me in the face. God!! Did it hurt like a bitch but then I saw that I have to win this ... So I grabbed her by her neck and banged her head to the ground making her unconscious in a minute

Everything was silent for a while, everyone was shocked that I a "Rogue" defeated their trained warrior.

Having enough for a day and cursing myself to expose my self this much in front of everyone. As I looked at my mate and saw he was shocked and amused but then it turned to anger, so he mindlinked one of his warrior

"He is saying to Meet him in his office ... Now!!"

Ohh goddd ... Here goes nothing .