Elenore POV:

when I woke up the next morning, the sun light was streaming down from the window, I rubbed my eyes to make the sleep go away.

As I tried to get up, something held me back, I looked down and noticed something heavy draped around me, it was an arm with a lot of Tattoos.

I, only then did I notice someone's heavy breathing on my neck, I looked back and saw my mate sleeping peacefully while holding me, looking at him I see all the perfect imperfections within him.

I see the faint scars each having a history, his eyelashes kissing his cheeks, his full lips, red and staring at me, waiting for me to kiss them.... To touch them. I lifted my hand and caressed his cheeks and then slowly I touched his lips, I felt the spark all the way up to my toes.

I wanted nothing more than to kiss them but then he started to move, I removed my hand immediately, in fear of getting caught. I turned around and started to get iut of his hold once I knew he was asleep again, as I tried to remove his arm they tightened around my waist and my mate pressed himself against me more and buried his head in my neck. I could feel his hot breathe.

I turned around again and surprised to see his eyes were open, he just stared at me for a minute although it felt a while and it made me feel all sorta of things.

He just shook his head at me and I understood what he meant, he didn't want me to go so instead of listening to my brain which was telling me this was a bad deal and that he treated me so wrong and I should leave him at once.

But for once I wanted to listen heart so I stayed, he just closed his eyes and went back to sleep, I realized it was still early in the morning so I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms once again...

When I woke up again he was nowhere insight, I stood up from the bed and gt fresh, I went downstairs to see everyone preparing breakfast, it was 8 in the morning.

I saw the alpha sitting at the head of the table as usual, I started walking up to him hoping things changed between us and that he will be a little open to me but then I saw Chloe coming towards him and putting her hand on his arm and bought breakfast for him, she also sat at the Luna table!.

I didn't see any further but got out of there, I knew he saw me because I felt his gaze but I didn't turn.

Once I stopped crying I went to the training ground to let out some steam, how could he do this? After last night, did it mean nothing to him?

was I nothing to him?, it was the truth, I was nothing to him, I already saw him, I meant nothing to him, my wolf whimpered at the thought of her mate not wanting her

Now after a while of training my mind cleared I realized I forgot to see Emley, I ran up to my room in the pack house and saw the room empty, I went downstairs and found Jenna making breakfast for Emley and trying to make her stop crying

"She levt me too" she said putting in an adorable way

My heart broke hearing this, how could I forget her because of him?, my stupid mate who probably doesn't even care about me. I am such a selfish sister...

"No, baby I didn't leave you, I only went out for training" I said

"Swster!" She exclaimed and ran into me and hugged me. I lifted her up and hugged her, holding close to me.

"I will never leave you Emley, never think that. I will always be there, forever"

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise!" I said, "now let's have some breakfast, shall we?, pancakes?"


"Pancakes it is then" I said and went to the stove to help make some pancakes.

After a while of talking to Emlay and Jenna, I went to clean the kitchen when I ran into the Beta , Rayon

"hey Rayon", he just looked at me and smiled

"hey Luna, would you like a tour to the pack?", I looked at him with a quizzical expression questioning his sudden interest in me but after a while I nodded, it would be good for me and also I'll be able to take a certain blue eyes Alpha out of my mind

We both head out for the tour to the pack.

As we were walking, I noticed how beautiful the forest was around the pack house. I looked at Rayon who was already looking at me

"what?" I said looking at myself to see if something is wrong

"nothing", he looked ahead then and kept walking. Suddenly he stopped walking at looked at me

"who are you?, I know El.... I mean the Alpha would not keep some rough without a cause and that as well in a pack house, so tell me who are you to him or rather what have you done to him?"

"nothing... I have done nothing to him Beta Rayon". It's weird to see him think this way and intolerable to not tell him that I am his Luna, I wanted to scream this but I couldn't tell this to anyone one

Not when even my own mate considers me to be no one.