
The Maribas were well to do with Mr Mariba Ceris' father operating his electronics business in the small Kambi city while his wife was the headmistress of the best performing primary school in the area. They were considered a prominent family.

On top of having a successful business Mr Mariba was also a member of the county assembly. He was a well respected government official and from the time he was elected for his second term 2 years ago, he had continued to ensure that the public services were well allocated in a manner that respected equity within the county. He had spearheaded many improvements in the provision of government funds to his constituents.

The Maribas educated their girls in the best boarding schools they could afford. Though he had girls only which was normally looked down on since he technically did not have a son to carry down his name, Mr Mariba did not let that take away from showering his wife and girls with love and affection.

He had bought Mrs Mariba a small Volkswagen to drive to and from work while He would make sure he drove her to the city so she did not have to worry about driving in higher traffic.

The girls were encouraged to pursue their dreams and not let their gender or background hold them down. Ceri's older sister Rain wanted to be a High school principal and she was doing very well climbing the ladder on her own merits and was now a Deputy Principal in Msa girls boarding school. One of the top performers in the country.

Ceri was still deciding if she wanted to become a surgeon, an architect or something to do with art and design. She still gad one more year of high school