The Trip.

As Ceri was still contemplating on what she would study in college, the heavens seemed to be working in her favor.

At school during the art lesson, the art teacher announced. "There is an arts contest going on in the country and all fine arts students are welcome to submit an original painting, the winner will get a scholarship to study arts and design and a trip to Museum of Black Civilization in Dakar, Senegal"

There would only be three students chosen from the East African countries and they would make the trip together.

"Ceri, you are so far the best student in the art class and I would like you to give it your best, take time to think of what you will submit" the art teacher told Ceri.

The other students envied her but they could not deny her talent, there was no way they could beat her in such a contest and thus decided to support her so at least their school could be represented if she won to represent their country.

Submission was going to be in three weeks time.

Ceri decided she would give it her all. If she won, this would provide the much needed finances to pay for her college, she had to win.

After two days, Ceri submitted her ideas to the art teacher.

"I think I can paint two paintings representing the past history and current culture of our country, this two when put together will tell a story that can be depicted in a mural".

Her idea was approved and she started on putting her idea into a sketch, she then chose her materials. She now had two weeks