
It was already Saturday and the market was buzzing with activities. It was extremely noisy as usual with vendors and hawkers advertising their wares.

Ceri and Makena had their lists as they alighted from the bus.

Ceri: I need to buy spices, bread, fish and chocolate.

Makena: And I need to buy bulk items to stock up moms shop so lets start with your stuff then go to the wholesale store, that way handy man can carry all the stuff together to the bus stage for us then we can take a stroll to eat the roadside treats. What do you think Ceri? Makena asked.

"Sure, lets head to the baker first, then the spice stall then the wholesale store. The fish we should buy last so the ice can last and the chocolate we can buy from the wholesale store so I can have a stash to keep at home."Ceri always like to have a plan.

"Hello, can I please have two loafs of bread?" I said.

"Sure! Dani can you get that for Ceri," the baker told his son. "Are you home for the holidays? Its always nice to see you, how are your parents doing?" Mr Baker asked me

"Yes Mr Baker, the schools are out for the next two weeks. My parents are doing well and asked me to pass their regards" I said.

Dani gave Ceri her package and smiled at her. He was in his first year of college and was not very outspoken but his dad sensed he liked Ceri but was too shy to approach her. He remembered the way he looked at her during the folk dance. She looked so alluring without even trying, he was attracted to her but he had no intentions of approaching her. His goals came before any women. He had seen how his father was heart broken by his mom and had vowed to not fall in love.