Aftermath of the Folk dance

"Taira didn't make it home last night after the dance, did you hear that?" Dina was informing her sisters. Dina is one of Ceris older sister who has a knack of gathering information and passing it along. We called her BBC

"Wasn't Bori eyeing her all evening and it was rumored he wanted to marry her, but she was not for it?" Kina my younger sister said.

"Well if you are not careful and walk home asking after the dance you risk being abducted and forcefully married once you have been deflowered" I said. " Thats why tou always have to be home early and walk in a group if you have to go home after dusk" we heard mother say from the doorway. No one knew when she had arrived there.

Soon there would be a celebration of the "marriage " with dancing and drinking for the villagers when the two families finalize the customary negotiations and dowery patients to Tairas parents.

I felt little bit sorry for Taira, her life just took a turn just like that. Hopefully she will lead a good life being Boris wife. He seemed like a nice guy.

It was known since ages ago that a man from a wealthy family could chose a bride and have her kidnapped to his house if she refused his wooing. Once he had relations with her, it would be shameful and disgraceful to for her to return to her home this she had to marry the man.

Also, her family would most likely not accept her back to avoid having her bringing shame to the family as no other man would be willing to marry her. They would gain a lot of financially from the wealthy family paying a hefty dowry and penalty for forcefully taking their daughter.

This is what happened to Taira.