Chapter 8 - 4 years later

The day was finally here.. She was starting her job as an interior designer in Esta Corp... Baby Metta was three years old and oh what a joy he was. He was bright and sharp for a three year old, he was witty and made his mom laugh and eased her days.

It wasn't always like that, Ceri had gone through a lot in the months and year after the trip.

She remembered three months post trip getting sick and being told she was expecting...

"What happened Ceri? Who did this to you? You have to tell daddy so I can help you.!"

How was she to tell him that she did not even know who the father was? Or recount what happened.

Ceri looked down in defeat and shame.

It was the last night in country S, they had been taken out for a trip round the capital and dinner before heading back to East Africa. She started feeling groggy and hot after dinner and drinking some very sweet fruit juice.

She fell asleep in the van back to the hotel then woke up sore without a memory of how she got back in the hotel but knew something had happened.

She knew her life in the village was ruined. She would be reffered to as used goods and promiscuous.

Mr Mariba would not let his daughter suffer shame and being outcasted, he would send his daughter away in the meantime to save her.