Three Days Later:
When the negotiations ended it turned out that we had to attack the town. We said a prayer to our own personal gods. When our prayers ended we called for anyone who did not want to fight to leave the city. We gave them one hour before the attack started. No one left for that hour. That left us with the idea that they are using the people as hostages.
"Do not kill anyone who doesn't raise a weapon to you. If they raise a weapon to you then they mean to kill you."
That was our orders for the attack. We all knew if we broke these rules we would be shot where we stood. Soon after we had been given the commands a whistle sounded give us the go ahead to charge. We ran in under the cover of darkness. We faced little resistance when we got to the wall and only had to kill guards that stood on the wall.
It was all happening so fast. When we went through the streets most of the fighters surrendered. It all happened so fast until we got to where our target was holding out at. We surrounded it and he refused to come out, but we couldn't go into it. The building was filled with civilians, and that left our hands tied. Attacking civilians was out of the cards for our attack.
We stacked up defenses around the building. When it all came to a halt we stood silent for two days without anything to happen. That was until men dressed in our uniforms entered the building and started shooting all of the civilians. All you hear was gunshots and the sounds of screaming. Our commanders yelled in panic into their radios trying to figure out what was going on. That was until the building exploded throwing all of us back surrounded by rubble.
The buildings around where we had been damaged by the explosions. Civilians seemed to had been killed by the explosion or trapped in their homes by rubble. I struggled to get up after the explosion. Looking around everything seemed to have gone wrong.
"Everyone get out of here now! Blow the gates open if you need to, but get out of here at all costs!" The commander yelled as he went running through our ranks.