People were frantic. How on Xadia do you lose a baby?! Someone who doesn't even know how to walk!
There was only one possible explanation...the girl who lived was kidnapped!!
They searched for her all over the world, in all four nations, in all seven elvin kingdoms. They were left with nothing.
A year later, some believe she may still be out there somewhere, just waiting to be found and brought back where she belongs. Then there are others who believe she died, and even if she really was the avatar they should start looking for the next, but they never did.
People went on with their lives. They still had that poor child in their hearts as they were much grateful for her great doing...
So she became just that...a memory...
"We have her sir."
"I am much pleased, force captain."
"Thank you sir."
"Return to the Fright Zone."
"Copy that sir."
He hung up and looked at the child they just stole. They put her in a box with a small blanket they took with her. Turns out they didn't have the, for a baby.
He heard of the child's legend. He feared to say, the child scared him. A child with such power was surely destined for greatness, and now that have her they could use that power for their advantage and wipe out benders and the rest of those...freaks! Forever!
He was always disgusted by them, she better not be anything like them!
He picked up the box with the girl in it when they landed home.
She was taken from him before he got to Master's sanctum. The girl wasn't his problem anymore, so he just got back to his daily basis.
The child wouldn't stop crying.
"Would you shut that thing off!!" He growled in rage.
"Lord Hordak, I apologize!" Said the lady carrying her, Shadow Weaver was her name.
Lord Hordak, everyman feared him, they say he trained with the very best assassins. There were rumors going around that he once killed someone just by shaking their hand, when he was only 13 years old! How crazy is that?! But then again that was just a rumor, hopefully.
Lord stood up from his throne and took the few steps to inspect the child.
A being so powerful...yet so fragile when you look at it. How pathetic she was. Yet, he needed her, he wanted her power for himself, and he will have it. His mission was to kill each and every freak out there. And what better way than to control someone with God like power.
She will become of good use to him...