It was almsot midnight when she arrived to Paris, France and honestly...she was not impressed. Seeing something for the second or third time isn't as impressive as the first. At least now she wasn't on a mission or something. And she wasn't as alone as she was for the first time...

Even though she wasn't alone back then, she had... Nevermind.

Well, now she had her armadillo lion, Simba (who was covered in illusion so he was just a normal white and black cat), a demon, King and a small creature, Tikki. Her three best friends, who she loved very dearly. With her, she only had a backpack, with her most valuable belongings, as she was told everything else was already there.

She got to the apartment complex she was supposed to be staying at. Apparently there's a thing called transfer students and now she was one herself. The family she was assigned to lived there. The girl opened her backpack for King and Simba to hide in, Tikki decided to just go in her pocket as she was so small.

Even though she knew it was late, she still rang the door bell.

A middle aged woman answered the door. She guessed that was the mother. The lady quietly invited her in. From the looks of it, the apartment was quite big.

"You must be Marinette Dupain - Cheng, I'm Helena. It is so nice to finally meet you!" Said the woman as she extended her hand. Marinette remembered to shake it, a bit to hastily though. She was just not good with people, that's what fourteen years of trauma do to you.

She was still not used to people calling her by that name.

From what she was told she was staying with a married couple who had four kids. A daughter, who was older than her, another daughter, her age and twin girls, around 6 or 7. She couldn't really remember their names.

They talked for a while, exchanging very few words, until Helena remembered it was late and the foreigner must be tired. So Marinette was showed to her new room, where she will be staying for while, she did not plan to be here longer than she had too.

When the woman closed the door, Marinette locked it with her metal bending. Her friends got out of their hiding places and roamed through the small room.

Marinette changed to her night clothes and went to bed, as she was way to tired to come to terms with reality. She still couldn't believe she was doing this or how she was even convinced.

As she was laying on the quite comfortable bed, Simba, Tikki and King layed next to her and they all fell into a deep sleep.   

Marinette woke up to a loud banging on the door and someone calling for her. Before she unlocked the door she made sure to put a blanket over the others as they were still asleep.

She opened the door, at first she saw no one, until she looked down and saw the twin girls. They were smiling up at her and she could feel herself warming up, but quickly pushed the feeling down.

The girls ran towards her and wrapped their tiny arms around her legs. Marinette really didn't understand this whole parallel arm thingy. They told her that's how you show emotion, she just thought it was stupid and completely unnecessary.

They were all standing like that in the middle of the room for about five seconds, with Marinette dumbfounded.

"Ella, Etta! Come here and leave our guest alone," Called out their mother.

Marinette was grateful for it. She just didn't like when people touched her  for no apparent reason.

"Marinette, why don't you dress up and come for breakfast," Added Helena.

Marinette changed for the day and made her way to the kitchen. On her way out she locked her door, not wanting any unwanted guests going through her stuff.

As she walked in the kitchen she was met by a smell of pancakes.

She loved pancakes!

She quickly sat down on the nearest chair and Helena put a plate before her. Even though she loved what she was given, she was still hesitant. She had no reason to trust them.

So before she took the first bite she smelled them, the smell was normal and it wasn't like she felt odd vibrations from any of them.

Marinette sat at the far end of the table, on the opposite side of her sat, who she assumed was the dad. Each twin sat on one side of her and the daughter her age was on her right side next to her father.

Just then the eldest daughter walked in and they made eye contact.

Marinette hated when people looked her in the eyes, she only ever looked someone in the eyes when she was fighting or you know, threatening them.

"Nora," Said the eldest.

"Marinette," She didn't look away as she didn't want to come off as weak.

Nora broke the contact first. Marinette felt nothing but victory.

The family all talked amongst each other, but she just sat there silently eating her food. She did have to admit, the pancakes were very good.

When she finished she thanked the mother, excused herself and went back to her room.

By the time she came back to her room her friends were already awake. Luckily she took a pancake for them.

She prepared her backpack and books she needed today, because today was the first day of high school. Not only was it the first day of high school, it was the first day of muggle high school!

How boring is that!!?

Helena called out to her, telling her that it's time to go to school.

"Have fun Marinette!" Said King snickering.

Marinette looked at him and debated on whether or not she should take him with her, to share this burden with him. He deserves it after all. She decided against it. Only Tikki went with her, as it was kind of a necessity.

The young teen got out of the bedroom and locked the door once more.

She came to the kitchen to find the mother packing up lunches for the girls. One of the girls...ughh if she could just remember her name!?

The one her age, already went to school, as did the father go to work.

"Good luck, Marinette! Will you find your way to school? Alya already left," Said Helena as Marinette nodded.

Alya's her name!! Righttt...she knew that...

She walked out the front door and closed it behind her, as she did that she leaned back against the door and sighed.

She could do this!

She was the avatar for Aang's sake!

She fought way scarier things a bunch of times!

She got this!

She straightened and started walking down the steps and towards her new school.